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Jan 06 2021
Domestic Terrorists Storm The U.S. Capitol, Violence Ensues Comments (0)

ErEv4c1VkAchqnRUnidentified woman  — protester? cop? — wheeled out of Capitol. (Image via Twitter)

Protesters were somehow allowed by Capitol Police to breach four layers of barricades and enter the U.S. Capitol with most of the important leaders in the U.S. inside, including VP Mike Pence, who was reportedly hustled away in an underground tunnel.

Protesters made it into the chambers, and could be seen poking around papers.

At least one person was seriously, if not gravely, wounded — a woman gushing blood was wheeled out on a stretcher. Looks like she is a goner.

This is all on Trump and his enablers. All of it. But I also want the entire Capitol Police force replaced.
