ABOVE: Red alert.
BELOW: Keep reading for MTG's latest outrage, Texas Dems kicking ass and more ...
They eat their own ... (Image via Twitter)
THE HILL: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-California) misgendered California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner in a Twitter war.
By leaving, they're helping to save voting rights in their state. (Image via Facebook)
NYT: Texas Dems have fled the state, but in so doing, they're fighting like hell for voting rights.
THR: Sharon Stone back in the amfAR fold.
JOE.MY.GOD.: Human shit stain Mel Gibson is on video saluting Trump at the UFC match he attended.
SYRACUSE.COM: Glad some politicos are opposing Chick-Fil-A.
VARIETY: RIP Charlie Robinson, Mack on Night Court, who has died at 75.
Both gone already (Image via NBC)