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Jul 23 2021
Viral Volleyball Player + Mississippi Gunning For Roe v. Wade + 50 Cent: IT STINGS WHEN THEY CALL ME A HOMOPHOBE + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Plenty of soap-dropping in Lil Nas X's “Industry Baby” video.

BELOW: Keep reading for a viral v-baller, 50 Cent's complaint, Roe v. Wade in jeopardy, remembering Coral Browne and more ...

Douglas-souza-boyculture(Image via IG)

INSTAGRAM: Olympian volleyball player Douglas Souza of Brazil has gone viral with his reports from Tokyo. He says:

I want to be remembered as the first homosexual to play volleyball at a high level in Brazil. I want to be a mirror for everyone who feels non-standard. I am non-standard. I’m also extremely thin. If I, a skinny little boy from the interior of Sao Paulo did it, so will you. That’s how I want to be remembered.

POLITICO: If the Supreme Court tosses out Roe v. Wade, it's on Mississippi — and on every one of the people out there who voted against Hillary Clinton.

WASHINGTON BLADE: Louisiana won't implement that grotesque anti-trans law, now that the legislature has failed to override Gov. John Bel Edwards's veto.

PINK NEWS: 50 Cent, who has harassed Zaya Wade for being a teen trans girl and has suggested gay men should commit suicide, now says it “stings” when he is called a homophobe.

EXTRATV: Found — rare video of Amy Winehouse and her dad. Winehouse died 10 years ago today

INSTAGRAM (FOLLOW, PLEASE): Today is the anniversary of the birth of Coral Browne, who was in such must-see gay fare as Auntie Mame, The Killing of Sister George and (voice only) Xanadu. She was bisexual and fabulous — and, if she was your stepmother, a bit of a nightmare.

Coral-browne-killing-sister-george-boyculture-gayMore Charles than Vera in this one ... (Image via video still)
