Something I drew, something I knew. (Images by Matthew Rettenmund)
As I posted on social media, I'm at a loss for words about 9/11. I was close enough to experience it from far too close-up — yet far enough away that I was spared the kind of visceral memories others have. Still, I had sense of creeping doom reading the inevitable remembrances on Twitter this morning.
Click here to check out my full take on what happened that day. I wrote it 15 years ago. It feels more embittered than I feel now, but it does have all the details I can remember.
I think it is terrifying how in 2001, everyone banded together — and it led us into a pointless 2o-year war and on a path of even greater polarization. And yet today, if a massive terror attack occurred, I have no doubt the right would use it to try to mount insurrection; there would be no banding together bullcrap.
Tell me I'm wrong.