ABOVE: Drawn to him.
BELOW: Keep reading for Lil Nas X's biggest release, Sinema in deep shit and more ...
Stiff as a Billboard (Image via TikTok)
TIKTOK: Lil Nas X is demonstrating not only the depth but the thickness of his talents.
HUFF POST: Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is almost certainly a one-termer. However, her election isn't until 2024; she'll undoubtedly have switched parties long before then.
FACEBOOK: Dave Chappelle is a NO for Jackie Beat — and that bitch wrote for Joan Rivers.
JUST JARED: Why Daniel Craig prefers gay bars to straight ones.
ROLLING STONE: If I were in marketing for I Know What You Did Last Summer, this Rolling Stone pan would be a pull-quote I'd use:
I Know What You Did Last Summer is full of dicks and gore — and not much else.
JOE.MY.GOD.: Multimillionaire basketball star Kyrie Irving, an anti-vaxxer, will lose half his salary — and still be rich as hell — over his refusal to get vaccinated, which endangers his teammates and everyone he plays with.
Raphael Barker & Sook-Yin Lee (Image via Brigade Marketing)
BAM: Holy shit — Shortbus is already celebrating its 15th anniversary, and it's doing so with a 4K restoration. It's playing BAM as part of New Fest on October 20, but the restoration will bow on January 26, 2022, at the IFC Center before expanding to other cities.