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Nov 21 2021
Hidden Studs + NC Lt. Gov. Calls Gay People MAGGOTS, COW SH-T + Disney Drops Vax Mandate + Simu Liu Slays SNL + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Happy Goldie Hawn's birthday!

ABOVE: How many signed Steve Grand calendars do I own by now?

BELOW: Keep reading for Simu Liu, an anti-gay bigot close to the NC governorship, Florida continues to court COVID-19 and more ...

Bill-cord-shirtless-don-durantshe-gods-of-shark-reef-still_8-1958He gods of She Gods of Shark Reef (Image via AIP)

INSTAGRAM (FOLLOWS APPRECIATED): Here's a stud I bet you've never heard of: Don Durant (left). And hey, Bill Cord (right) wasn't too bad, either!

Mark-robinson-anti-gay-nc-boyculture-gayTHAT ... is supposedly superior to others. (Image via video still)

BUSINESS INSIDER: North Carolina's Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson said during a church sermon last Sunday that straight people are superior to gay people.

JURIST: Historic hearings from a 2010 gay-marriage case will be released on video after a legal battle.

JOE.MY.GOD.: Disney is throwing in the towel on mandatory vaxxing after Florida outlawed it. Disappointing they caved.

THE GUARDIAN: It's 2021 — why are more and more U.S. Christian schools taking it upon themselves to fire employees solely for being LGBTQ?

EXTRATV: Simu Liu becomes the first Chinese host of SNL ... to be the fourth host of SNL. I thought “Republican or Not” was pretty smart and funny:
