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Oct 29 2022
Tennessean Rants Against Anti-Queer Censors + Dolly Parton: No More Touring + N.H. Senate Hopeful Bought That Story About Kids IDing As Kitties + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

Dan-welden-boyculture(Image via Instagram)

ABOVE: Dan's the man!

BELOW: Keep reading for an impassioned pro-queer speech, Dolly's touring announcement and more ...

TWITTER: Jessee Graham's passionate speech at a local meeting of a Columbia, Tennessee, library board at which the resignation of its director was accepted after he feared for his safety over inappropriate (read: queer) materials existing in the library:

HUFF POST: Hugh Jackman recalls being humiliated when he failed to keep up with Sandra Bullock in an audition.

THE VERGE: GM is pausing its ads with Twitter while figuring out WTH Musk's plan is. (So far, I'm seeing the N-word everywhere.)

JOE.MY.GOD.: Don Bolduc — who I shit you not is giving Maggie Hasan a run for her money in New Hampshire — legit believes that children are IDing as cats and using litter boxes in public schools.

NBC NEWS: Dolly Parton has announced she won't tour anymore.

TWITTER: For some reason, Dems have not been talking up Social Security much. But leave it to President Obama to pick up the slack:

He was equally great in defending Gov. Whitmer and attacking her idiotic opponent:
