ABOVE: A li'l leather.
Prime is right! (GIF via Amazon Prime)
OMG.BLOG!: Greg Austin goes full-frontal in Hunters.
NYT: In search of the next great gay play.
On the bright side, I guess Hispanic outreach by the GOP is working. (Image via campaign photo)
HUFF POST: Solomon Peña, a failed state House candidate from New Mexico, shot up the homes of several Democratic officials there this week. A convicted felon — for a smash and grab in '08 — he was only allowed to run because a judge ruled that barring convicted felons is unconstitutional. He was mad he lost and, like the GOP has encouraged across the board, disbelieved it was even possible he lost. He lost by 47%.
POLITICO: Reps. Gosar (R-Arizona) and Greene (R-Georgia), election denialists and conspiracy theorists, were given prime committee assignments. Welcome to the modern GOP.
CBS NEWS: A 2016 video showing Tesla's purported self-driving capabilities was staged at the behest of Elon Musk, an engineer now claims.
TWITTER: Musk's pal Peter Thiel, the billionaire who thankfully whiffed on who he tried to prop up financially this past election, referred to activist Greta Thunberg as part of the “autistic children's brigade,” and also urged people to be aware of the antichrist and one world government as realistic issues. He said this in remarks at Oxford. How is someone allowed to say that and not booed out of sight? Just revolting. One of the worst gay men alive.
George Santos will be seated on committees. McCarthy said during his campaign Santos “had a staff member who impersonated my Chief of Staff,” but he was fired so it was no big deal. pic.twitter.com/V6VRTUsUyR
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) January 17, 2023
PATCH: Rep. George Santos (R-New York) will be on committees, in spite of widespread fraud and lies and lawbreaking. Latest: Allegedly setting up a GoFundMe for someone's dying dog ... the absconding with the $3,000 raised.
PEOPLE: This 100% is not the headline I thought I would read upon seeing Bonnie Bartlett, 93, and William Daniels, 95, pictured on People.com. But it's preferable to what I thought!
EXTRATV: The late Aaron Carter's family is opening up about their suspicions involving his cause of death.
TWITTER: Leslie Jones is one of many comers for the Daily Show throne:
I literally got the dragon face at the end Lmaoooo! Yo y’all tube in now ya hear! @TheDailyShow #iwillfindyou pic.twitter.com/Z4NZGRHlnu
— Leslie Jones 🦋 (@Lesdoggg) January 17, 2023
TWITTER: This applies to any hobby or fan obsession — why spend your time trashing someone else's joy? And you're not clever making jokes about Madonna looking bad, looking like Marilyn Manson, being Baby Jane (that stale joke has been around for millions of tickets sold):
My reaction to Madonna-tour killjoys who can't just ignore things they aren't into. pic.twitter.com/CGHeiOuLl0
— Matthew Rettenmund (@mattrett) January 17, 2023