ABOVE: Jerry O'Connell is 49 and fabulous.
BELOW: Keep reading for naked TV, Nikki wants tougher Don't Say Gay laws, blackface daycare and more ...
Taint kidding, he shows a LOT on this show. (Image via Paramount+)
OMG.BLOG!: Dating Naked Germany star Fabio spreads his legs and soaks up the sun.
HUFF POST: Fox News is going to lose that suit brought about by Dominion over the network's broadcasting of election-fraud claims. Lose big.
KENNETH IN THE (212): Seeing Keith Haring in NYC.
CBS NEWS: There is no excuse for this — military vets discharged for being gay are, in some cases, still fighting for honorable discharges.
LGBTQ NATION: Trans former employe wins $20K settlement from Shake Shack after facing blatant transphobic harassment with no help from the company.
THE HILL: Nikki Haley is running for POTUS — and thinks Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH with Don't Say Gay.
A mother in Miami says she was shocked and outraged after the staff at her children’s day care shared photos with parents of students in blackface as part of Black History Month. https://t.co/dW2LRZo3sD pic.twitter.com/LbqgxUviNG
— CNN (@CNN) February 15, 2023
CNN: How are we seeing children in blackface at day care in 2023?! The woman running the daycare said blackface is normal in Argentina. (!!!)
TWITTER: At a soccer game between a Catholic school and a Jewish school in Florida devolved into kids screaming heil Hitler and Hitler was right. Also 2023:
How's it going Florida?
— ChudsOfTikTok (@ChudsOfTikTok) February 17, 2023
In Miami-Dade:
A Catholic School & Jewish School got into a large fight at the end of a semi-finals soccer match in which antisemitic slurs & phrases like "Heil H*tler, H*tler was right, K*kes" were hurled at the Jewish teens. pic.twitter.com/ycj4z8CiWP
TIMES OF ISRAEL: Ultra-orthodox reporter Yair Cherki has come out as gay, writing on social media:
I love guys. I love guys and the Holy Blessed One. It’s not a contradiction, and it’s not new.
I would have been even more impressed had he replaced “guys” with “dick.”
“There are those who solved their conflict by saying there is no God, others explain that there is no homosexuality. I physically know that they both exist.” (Image via Facebook)
JUST JARED: There's a Mean Girls movie musical coming — and Tina Fey will reprise her role as Ms. Norbury.
S&S: Linus is a cute new picture book by Stuart Hausmann that drops February 21. The book — likely banned on impact in Florida and other Don't Say Gay places — pushes for embracing diversity, which should not be a controversial message. The book is about:
Linus is trying his very best to stay in line, but everyone in Linneopolis is bent out of shape because he isn’t square enough for them. When he’s sent to an overnight camp to straighten out and build some character, Linus decides he’s had enough. He’s going to run away and find shapes that aren’t so set in their ways.
But what happens when he starts to miss home? Can he convince the population of Linneopolis to open up instead of shutting down? Or are they too boxed in to hear him out?
FACEBOOK: Duke Wrestling had some cute, V-Day-themed images I missed ... until now:
Beats candy! (Image via Duke Wrestling)