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Apr 10 2023
RIVERDALE Tail + Dalai Lama Frenches A Kid + Mass Shooting In Kentucky + RIP Michael Lerner + Musical Theater Nightmare + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: My friend's Easter basket.

BELOW: Keep reading for a Mexican butt party, ANOTHER shooting, nightmare audience member and more ...

Hart-denton-mexico-nude-boycultureI want a room with that view. (Image via Instagram)

INSTAGRAM: Riverdale stud Hart Denton seems to be enjoying Mexico (!).

TMZ: The Dalai Lama, 87, bizarrely kissed a little boy on the lips in public, and then had the kid suck his tongue. He's ever so sorry about it. (!?!)

CNN: Another mass shooting, this time in Louisville, Kentucky. All the [insert race, gender ID] people should be banned from owning guns!

NBC NEWS: Gay young people more than twice as likely to experience sleep disturbance.

GR8ERDAYS: RIP Michael Lerner, 81. He was in pretty much everything. I saw him on the West End with Madonna in Up for Grabs, and also remember him not only as a Barton Fink Oscar nominee but as a bike salesman on The Brady Bunch.

SKY NEWS: Disruptive audience members at a U.K. performance of the musical based on The Bodyguard were forcibly ejected after they insisted on singing over the lead during “I Will Always Love You.” It's really bad, too — it was like, impossible to just listen to the person you paid to hear. Satisfying seeing them dragged away:

P.S. These silly cows have no fucking clue. At all. If you're singing along to every song and eating an ice cream, you need to take you fat ass to a circus:
