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Apr 26 2023
Kyle Ross, Helix Porn Star, Dies In Car Crash @ 29 + Parents Lose It Over Pride Flag + Men's Wearhouse Advertises Gay Support + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

Troye-sivan-boycultureThe news isn't always good. (Images via Instagram & Twitter)

ABOVE: A hacker was Troye-ing with our emotions.

BELOW: Keep reading for death of a porn star, One Million Pissed-Off Moms, Queer as Folk/Will & Grace mashup and more ...

Kyle-ross-helix-death-obituary-gay-porn-boycultureI met Kyle at the 2017 Str8UpGayPorn Awards. (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

STR8UPGAYPORN: Former (2011-2020) Helix gay-porn actor Kyle Ross (born Aaron Cumbey), one of the studio's most recognizable stars, died in what is called a horrific one-car crash in Florida, hours after he had multiple heated disputes with American Airlines for not accommodating him with a flight he had booked. Judging from the many videos he posted in the final days of his life, Ross, who'd been vacationing in the state, arrived at the airport ready to fly with his service animal, only to be denied. It is not exactly clear why he was denied, but he threw a fit on video (perhaps justified?) and wound up having to sleep in his rental car with his dog. 

Ross posted videos the next day complaining about how hot the car was, because the temperature threatened his multiple sclerosis drugs.

Kyle-ross-dead-boycultureFriend and scene partner Blake Mitchell posted this devastated tribute. (Image via Twitter)

The last video, apparently, shows Ross gassing up with his dog. Earlier videos from his trip reveal he was a reckless driver. It is haunting that his final videos on Facebook are about the need for speed, just before he died in a car crash.

Kyle had been rocking a very different look from his porn days:

TWITTER: These, um, concerned parents are screaming about child abuse and the devil because a school was raising a Pride flag:

Of course, these people — soooo concerned about children (keep 'em away from clergy and their own dads, all of whom do most of the child-abusing!) — didn't care about the crying LGBTQ kids.

METRO WEEKLY: One Million Moms (which is, like, one mom) is in hysterics over Men's Wearhouse airing an ad — in the year of our Lord 2023 A.D. — catered to men who are marrying each other.

TWITTER: This funt thinks people on Medicaid need to fucking work for it. Hey, 80-year-olds, stop being so lazy! Hey, 11-year-old girls impregnated by their dads and forced to give birth, get crackin'!

INSTAGRAM (FOLLOWS APPRECIATED): My friend Michael Stern took this great shot of what a Queer as Folk/Will & Grace mashup would look like!

NME: Frankie Goes to Hollywood will reunite for Eurovision! I wish they'd tour.
