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ABOVE: Ted forever!
Buff nerds forever! (Image via Instagram)
INSTAGRAM: Something-something, men with glasses, something-something passes.
His side! Thank you @thejournalista she interviewed the young man involved and her article answers any lingering questions about the citi bike Karen incident
— TizzyEnt (@TizzyEnt) May 25, 2023
Here is the GoFundMe for the 17-year-old bullied by the white pregnant lady who felt she deserved to snatch the bike out of his hands.
TWITTER: The Citibike dispute in NYC probably happened the way it was initially reported.
OMG.BLOG!: David Eggers (right) is full-frontal for a new series of X-rated cards by artist Murlin St. Jean. I can't find the artist anywhere but OMG.BLOG!, so enjoy.
KENNETH IN THE (212): Borna Coric's thighs will not be kept down by baggy sweats.
TMZ: The U.S. is considering sanctions against Uganda for its odious Kill the Gays law.
EXTRATV: Ben Platt and Noah Galvin proposed to each other.
HUFF POST: Ten minutes ago, people were using AI to hear what a Britney Spears cover of Madonna's “American Life” would sound like. Now, we're talking about how AI is an extinction threat.
POLITICO: Russia wants to arrest Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), and — hear me out ...
CHICK-FIL-A: Uh, right-wing bullshit fast-food joint Chick-Fil-A — fuck you if you eat there — now has a VP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (but doesn't realize a comma isn't needed before an ampersand). They're still crazy-religious, though, don't worry.
SOCIALITE LIFE: Manu Rios vs. red carpet. (He won.)
DEADLINE: The Idol just dropped its official trailer. Supposed to be a disgustingly exploitative mediation on disgusting exploitation, so will likely be a big hit. Hard to believe people have crushes on The Weeknd, but he's well-cast.
INSTAGRAM: If you're a Right Said Fred fan, I got nothin'.
They went anti-vaxxer and are now embracing being canceled, LOL! (Image via