ABOVE: Instagram is your underwear hookup.
BELOW: Gay pop star, cute guy bares buns, RIP It's a Living creator and more ...
The secret's out! (GIF via GIPHY)
NYT: Shinjiro Atae, a Japanese pop star, came out as gay onstage in Japan.
THR: RIP Stu Silver, 76. He created the amazing It's a Living, as well as Webster. He also worked on Soap and Brothers, both of which were queer trailblazers.
Boyfriend face, trick butt. (Image via headshot)
OMG.BLOG!: Mauritz von Treuenfels bares his buns.
METRO WEEKLY: Keep Key West Gay campaign seeks to encourage gay people to continue spending money in ... Florida.
TWITTER: This happened like a block away from me. The crane fell into a building from which a woman semi-recently leapt to her death with her dog:
Crane on fire outside highrise near me. Seems like they are able to extinguish soon. Crazy sight. pic.twitter.com/T5h5kHSszc
— Matthew Rettenmund (@mattrett) July 26, 2023
GR8ERDAYS: The return of Little Ricky, Madonna's 40 best songs (but are they in the right order?), another It's a Living death and more.