ABOVE: Steve Grand appears to be not-so-discreetly wearing a chastity cage in his latest selfies to plug his swimwear line.
His story is ... riveting. (Image via video still)
TWITTER: Don't piss off a content creator, even if you are one.
CONSEQUENCE: Bruce Springsteen postpones tour dated due to peptic ulcer disease.
He frames his time with Mapplethorpe as “surviving” him. (Image courtesy of Jack Walls)
THE CAFTAN CHRONICLES: A fascinating interview with Jack Walls, one of Mapplethorpe's lovers. You'll learn a lot from this one. Walls talks about gay culture in the '70s, too, touching on racism:
And then some of these white queens, especially from the South, they would use the N-word because they were used to it. But I wasn't going around kicking people's asses. You just took note and kept it moving. They wouldn't say the word to you — but in a way where they thought that they were so hip that they could use it. Like, “I have all these Black friends, so I can say N.”
YAHOO!: If you have enough money to own Marilyn Monroe's famous last home, surely you have enough money not to demolish it just to build something new? That is history right there.
A bold display of allyship (Image via Elle Hungary)
PINK NEWS: Elle Hungary is featuring gay dads on its cover, in direct defiance of Hungary's worsening LGBTQ-rights situation.
The definition of coming-and-going. (Image via selfie)
OMG.BLOG!: Rafael McGuire is showing crack and bush, which feels targeted.
NBC NEWS: In California, ridiculous rules meant to suppress trans kids' rights are facing pushback.
INSTAGRAM: Carl Nassib, who in '21 became the first-ever out NFL player still active, will no longer be active — he's retiring:
AP: Mexico's high court decriminalized abortion in the country, another sign of how back-asswards the U.S. is moving.
HUFF POST: Sen. Mitch McConnell is defiant — says he will finish his term (which lasts until January 2027).
PEOPLE: Eve Plumb is auctioning off a movie camera gifted to her by Robert Reed during their Brady Bunch years. Would I enjoy owning it? Sure, Jan.
NBC NEWS: Civil rights groups are gearing up to fight Elon Musk, now that he has softened all controls on hate speech on Twitter. (It's insanity. N-word, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia — it's all okay.)