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Sep 26 2023
Underwear's The Party? At AWRY! Comments (0)

Awry shirtless 1 boyculture(All images via Awry)

I get lots of free stuff — my friends question this, and I'm like ... “I am a member of the media, guys!” — including many offers of underwear, due to the nature of my blog and the buying habits of some of my readers.

But while I do have some faves, I must say Austin, Texas-based Awry, samples of which I received this week, is stepping things up!

Awry shirtless 1 boyculture 3

For shoots, they have a great, tight fit, and do a nice CHEEKY Thong Brief for just 19 bucks.

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I also like their basic FLAUNT Trunks in Black. Basic is sometimes lacking in these brands, which go for outlandish.

Awry shirtless 1 boyculture 2

Not that Awry doesn't do colorful well, too!

Awry shirtless 1 boyculture 4

And their PUMP Jock Boxers, a cleverly sexy hybrid, is a must.

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They also have, of course, jocks — and this RAW V-String in Tan that's doing a lot of work with  little material.

Again, these are all well under 30 dollars a pair, which I find to be quite fair.

Check out Awry and LMK what you think. Full disclosure: I was not paid for this, I just got three pairs of underwear — so, I actually like the brand.
