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Oct 02 2023
Lockerroom Flasher + BC: GX @ Means Happy + The Pope Softens On Gays + Outfest Chaos + Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stamp + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Sting is a whole snack.

BELOW: Keep reading for a lockerroom flasher, chaos at Outfest, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's stamp and more ...

Claudio-de-la-torre-shirtless-boycultureCaught ya lookin'! (Image via video still)

OMG.BLOG!: Claudio de la Torre flashes his lockerroom butt.

MEANS HAPPY: Great Boy Culture: Generation X coverage.

WSJ: The Pope — who is all over the place on LGBTQ+ issues — is now saying he's open to blessing same-sex couples. If you're gay and seeking the Pope's blessing, God'll get ya for it, Walter.

THE: Outfest board says it will recognize staff union after laying off nearly half the works who originally wanted it. Exec director Damien Navarro is on a sudden 45-day leave, and the new acting director is Zackery Alexander Stephens.

HUFF POST: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) has followed through on his threat to try to oust Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

USPS: The United States Postal Service has issued a Ruth Bader Ginsburg forever stamp. If only she had been.

Ruth bader ginsburg stamp boyculture gay(Image via USPS)
