How tragic — I remember Christian Oliver from "Saved by the Bell: The New Beginning" 30 years ago, but he'd been in movies a lot since. He died yesterday at 51 in a plane crash with his young daughters.
— Matthew Rettenmund (@mattrett) January 5, 2024
ABOVE: RIP to Christian Oliver. What a terrible exit.
BELOW: Keep reading for space gigolos, the death of Hutch and more ...
He's got the parts! (Image via Galactic Gigolos)
OMG.BLOG!: Galactic Gigolos are now a thing.
POLITICO: Buncha right-wing loons in Florida, yet they'll crawl out of their basements to vote for reproductive freedom.
His sweats raise a good point. (Image via Hotspots!)
KENNETH IN THE (212): LGBTQ+ mags of the week.
TWITTER: Capitol cop Harry Dunn, decorated for bravery after January 6, announces his run for a seat in the House representing Maryland's third district. He is the latest in a long line of ordinary citizens compelled to seek office after personal tragedy:
Breaking News: January 6 Police Officer and Hero Harry Dunn announces he is running for Congress. Pass it on.
— Kendall Dina (@BLACKPINKLRJJJ) January 5, 2024
YAHOO!: People are dragging Madonna for her spectacular performance onstage in her Celebration Tour by zooming in on her in a box suspended in mid-air and dunking on her having to hold on to something. Chuck D has stepped in to point out he sees ageism as akin to racism. I am not sure I'd go that far, but it's definitely ignorant and malicious.
INSTAGRAM: RIP David Soul, 80. He put the Hutch in Starsky & Hutch.