ABOVE: Poor guy forgot his clothes. Must be so embarrassed.
BELOW: Keep reading for hot guys, Barry Manilow, Madonna and more...
Rosa is me in this pic. (Image via Gloss)
KENNETH IN THE (212): LGBTQ+ mags of the week.
GQ: Oh, my God — Looking is now vintage.
NYT: This is why the brothers Cuomo have taken a right-ward lurch — they're mad Biden isn't pulling strings to let them get away with crap.
GHOSTLIGHT: The cast recording of Barry Manilow's Harmony is out now!
POLITICO: Trump is ever-so-pissed, and about to be told he owes a lot of fucking money. UPDATE: A lot!
WSJ: We need this Gaetz ethics probe revived.
ADVOCATE: George Takei's love story.
HUFF POST: Taylor Swift AI nudes have ignited a conversation that should have happened long ago. I remember when Alyssa Milano and her mom sued over fake nudes at least 20 years ago. Now, nudes are completely realistic, or at least, enough to fool the average incurious person. Whenever I see these fake Henry Cavill nudes and suggestive poses, I'm always flabbergasted that 90% of the gay men in the comments think they're real, asking where they originated, etc.
PHILADELPHIA: I went to Philadelphia for Celebration, and I must say — this writer is a buffoon. He harps on alllll the waiting. The show start is 8:30. DJ went on at 8:30 — that is her opener. It is part of the show. Ends at 9:30. Bob the Drag Queen is part of her main show, the emcee, and he walked out at 10. Madonna is always scheduled for 9:30, so she was all of 30 minutes late. This bullshit about being 2 hours late (which has happened, but the kinks are worked out and hasn't happened since first N.A. show) is this self-perpetuating lie people tell because they love the idea of a spoiled, rich lady being rude. In reality, the spoiled, rich lady almost died last year, insisted on continuing with her tour anyway, gives of herself for over 2 hours each night and is gushingly appreciative from the stage. For that, I get every rube on the street who never had any intention of going asking, “BUT WHEN DID SHE START?!” Jesus, go to more gigs and touch ass, not grass. (By the way, this reporter lazily wrote that she was guzzling Budweiser and doused us with it. She has custom-made Madonna-branded water bottles that look like beer. They're plastic so she can toss 1 to a fan nightly. When I pointed that out, he called her lame for not having a water company endorse her.) End of rant, but man alive, Philly as a city was a terrible experience in spite of a fun show. Philadelphians, WTF?
QUEERTY: Knives out at Queer Eye.
GAYETY: Final-season sneak-peeks of Young Royals.
WHERE DO WE GO?: Lil Nas X has released a rather un-Lil-Nas-X-like song in conjunction with his doc. “Where Do We Go Now?” is a mournful, melodic midtempo track that seems to capture his melancholic mood lately.