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Feb 07 2024
Trans Activist & Icon Cecilia Gentili Dies @ 52 + Next Todd Haynes Film Promises Lots Of Gay Sex + Guy Attacks His Date After Being Triggered By Gay Couple + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: A dancer's privates ... privates for money.

BELOW: Keep reading for death of a trans legend, the next Todd Haynes film and more ...

Nico-jarry-boyculture-underwear-tennisIMG_8204Rub a dub-dub ... (Image via Instagram)

KENNETH IN THE (212): When you can't get enough dirty white boys in their underwear.

Stephen-mccauley-you-only-call-when-youre-in-trouble-novel-gay-boycultureGirl, been there. (Image via Macmillan)

THE CAFTAN CHRONICLES: A deep dive into writer Stephen McCauley, whose new novel is You Only Call When You're in Trouble.

NYT: Nikki Haley lost the Nevada primary — uncontested by Trump — to “None of These Candidates.”

INSTAGRAM: Beloved trans activist Cecilia Gentili died Tuesday, her family announced. She was 52. Via GLAAD:

Cecilia Gentili (she/her) was a fierce activist, a dedicated advocate, a striking actress on the hit TV program Pose, and a sex worker. She did direct service through The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center in New York and the APICHA (originally the Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS) Community Health Center in New York. She co-founded the namesake COIN Clinic (Cecilia’s Occupational Inclusion Network ) at Callen-Lorde, and later was managing director of policy for the world-renowned GMHC (originally the Gay Men’s Health Crisis). Several years ago she founded Trans Equity Consulting and has collaborated with many major organizations on transgender and gender nonbinary rights. Cecilia is also a founding member of Decrim NY, a coalition working toward decriminalization, decarceration, and destigmatization of people in the sex trade. Cecilia’s memoir,  Faltas, was published in late 2022 by Little Puss Press, Inc, and won the American Library Association’s 2023 Stonewall Book Award for nonfiction. Her one-woman show Red Ink was slated to make a comeback at the Public Theater this April. Gentili was a leading voice among the hundreds of New York Times  contributors speaking out against the Times’ biased and inaccurate coverage of transgender people and their essential mainstream health care. Cecilia Gentili just celebrated her 52nd birthday, surrounded by friends, loved ones, and community.

FACEBOOK: Diedrick Finley, a trans man who'd been part of the East Village scene in the '80s/'90s — and who sued actor Rosario Dawson and her family for anti-trans abuse and other issues while in their employ — has died.

INSTAGRAM: History lesson:

PEOPLE: Some douche became irate when seated next to a gay male couple, made a scene, was chastised by his date — then assaulted her. Allegedly.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 1.12.41 PMWAPO: Yes, if you're queer you can skip a wedding at an anti-queer church. Next question.

FLAME CON: Tickets are available now for Flame Con 2024, the tenth annual expo from LGBTQ+ nonprofit Geeks OUT. It's happening August 17-18 at the Sheraton Times Square Hotel in NYC, and its first announced special guest is Molly Knox Ostertag, author of The Deep Dark, The Girl from the Sea and the Witch Boy trilogy.

WORLD OF REEL: The next Todd Haynes film is a '30s-set gay drama he feels will be rated NC-17.

PEOPLE: Diablo Cody offers an update on Madonna's biopic, mostly reasserting she adores the Queen of Pop — but has no dish on when or if the movie will happen.

INSTAGRAM: Madonna's Celebration Tour is doing a great job of highlighting many DJs, her opening acts:
