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Apr 23 2024
Stealth Peach + Tennis Hottie + Free Palestine Activist Chooses Alec Baldwin + Katy Perry Hearts Elon Musk + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: George Santos loves ... NAMBLA. Old joke, since I don't think anyone's heard of this group in 2024! But I AM old, so I died laughing. Died.

BONUS PIC: Jonathan Schaech ... WTF?!

Jonathan Schaech(Image via Instagram)

BELOW: Keep reading for a surprisingly peachy peach, Trump's latest woes and more ...

Moises-arias-butt-nude-boycultureIt's a stealth peach. (Image via video still)

OMG.BLOG!: Find out whose butt that is.

CNN: David Pecker, former National Enquirer publisher, has testified that Trump called him personally about the Karen McDougasl story the magazine paid to suppress.

WASHINGTON BLADE: This is why I counsel people with LGBTQ+ materials to sell them to private owners.

Tennis-boycultureIf you look closely, you can see both of his balls. (Image via Ellesse Tennis)

KENNETH IN THE (212): Ellesse Tennis nut?

TWITTER: How in the actual FUCK is this supposed to free Palestine?

TWITTER: Katy Perry is one of those rich women we're all supposed to be SO SORRY for wronging in the media and depriving of her rightful place as a pop queen. Also, she loves Elon Musk, so she can fuck straight off.
