ABOVE: Just wow.
BELOW: Keep reading for a big dick, a gay-panicky cop and more ...
Don't touch that ... dial. Good Moaning America! (Images via ABC & Instagram)
NYP: Apparently, the brass at ABC is worries about gay newsman DeMarco Morgan's precocious bulge.
WSBTV: Prescription pill-abusing former cop shot and killed his Lyft driver after hearing voices and coming to the conclusion the victim was in a gay frat and trying to kidnap and recruit him. This gives the gay panic defense a new lease on life, no?
HUFF POST: Biden moves to classify pot as a less dangerous drug.
REUTERS: Pastor Steven Anderson is too anti-gay for Botswana.
OUTSPORTS: Meet the NHL's first gay couple to KissCam it.
KENNETH IN THE (212): Gay mags 'n' rags.
(Image by @lonliwenphotography for Trending Male Model)