ABOVE: Still hard to believe Clarence Clemons died so long ago. Ten years already.
ABOVE: Still hard to believe Clarence Clemons died so long ago. Ten years already.
ABOVE: Yes, let's can him.
This is Millie Bobby Brown in Victor/Victoria pic.twitter.com/kiu8ybrISO
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) October 26, 2020
ABOVE: I don't post Louis Virtel often because it seems too obvious; I would hope you all know him and follow him. But just in case, this is one of his best yet.
She will share her “lived experience.” (Image via CBS)
Kamala Harris is who she is — no agenda but an agenda to succeed for all Americans. Her appearance on 60 Minutes was nothing short of winning, especially side-by-side with her Republican counterpart Mike Pence.
What a breath of fresh air. In eight days.
Watch a choice cut:
Are we really believing Stahl told him they'd have a “lovely interview”? (Image via video still)
“You're president — don't you think you should be accountable to the American people?” Lesley Stahl asked Trump when he began throwing a tantrum over her tough interview questions. Silly her — he does not believe in accountable to anyone in any way.
Watch Trump crack under pressure:
You can choose chaos or normalcy. (Image via video still)
Watching Trump and Biden answer questions from 60 Minutes is a study in why they are where they are in the polls. Biden allows discussion of a hot-button topic in a thoughtful way, Trump trumpets his past (illusory) successes.
The Trump portion was from before he stormed out of his interview with Lesley Stahl in a fit of pique:
WATCH: President Trump was asked by @LesleyRStahl about his priorities — before cutting his interview short.@60Minutes has a history of asking tough questions of presidential candidates during the run-up to the election.
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) October 22, 2020
More Sunday on @CBS. pic.twitter.com/ZWxP1B7GvO
Biden is open to adjusting the Supreme Court, but he also — sensibly — sees how this could be a dangerous and even futile precedent. There is nothing I would like more than to toss Cardi B and a Democratic fetus onto the Court in retribution for the packing the Court has endured, but it's not a bad thing for the Democratic nominee for POTUS to be cautious on this topic.
Meanwhile, Trump told Lesley Stahl — same reporter — in 2016:
You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.
Also worth noting: Trump had previously said he would leak his 60 Minutes interview before airtime in retribution for unfair treatment ... and it was another broken promise. UPDATE: I stand corrected! Because rules, agreements and norms do not apply, and whaddayagonnado, sue me?, Trump did release a recording of his 37 minutes with 60 Minutes.
He's gay! He really is gay! (Video still via ABC)
Above: If you heard me on The Adam Sank Show, here is that gays-on-TV piece I was talking about!
#storm is on the way! pic.twitter.com/NEZlJxjM
President-elect Trump is already fuzzy on promises and statements he's made, but he isn't a fool—he gonna dance with the racist and the apathetic-to-racism voters who brung him.
On 60 Minutes, airing tonight, he says he plans the immediate deportation of between 2 and 3 million people. Those he can't deport he will lock up in our for-profit prison system.
See, he thinks 2 -3 million immigrants currently here are criminals—drug dealers, rapists.
So don't ask me to get over it, because this nutjob is exactly who he promised he would be.