35 posts categorized "AARON SCHOCK"
ABOVE: In the name of love — 43 years ago, two men with their priorities straight.
Class-less picture (Image via Instagram)
Via KENNETH IN THE (212): Disgraced former GOP congressman Aaron Schock, who came out earlier this year after many years of gossip about his indiscreet balancing of anti-LGBTQ votes with pro-cocksucking public appearances, is again demonstrating what a horrible person he is.
I read this last night and just couldn't stop binge-watching Last Tango in Halifax, but now I'm free, so here goes:
ABOVE: He told him he was posing as a metaphor — that's a good way to get them to show their ass!
BELOW: Keep reading for more deplorable Aaron Schock fraternizing, retro humor, boys who are broke and more ...
ABOVE: Muscle Beach lives!
BELOW: Keep reading for more Aaron Schock normalizing, another gun nut, Trump mocking Asians and more ...
ABOVE: Upon reflection ...
BELOW: Neil Patrick Harris gets his tits out, Mykki Blanco performs, Kamala KILLS IT and more ...
ABOVE: This is called VERY good light.