2 posts categorized "AL SHARPTON"

Feb 10 2016
May The Better Man Or Woman Win: Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders Comments (0)

Images.washingtonpost.comGIF via Washington Post

As this writer expresses, I'm glad Bernie Sanders is not only in the race but in it to win it—he has already pushed Hillary to the left, which is what one hopes will happen with frontrunners who are challenged by appealing contenders, that he or she will get the message and evolve—but I believe Hillary Clinton should win the nomination and the presidency.


So congrats to Bernie Sanders on winning New Hampshire, and I am hopeful Hillary will win the Nevada caucus (that would probably seal the deal, and if not ...) and South Carolina and eventually take the whole thing.

But I am embarrassed by the Hillary Clinton supporters who are skeeved out by the Socialism scare tactics, and repeat them, just as I think too many of Bernie's supporters are crowding the low road that he himself vowed not to use.

Speaking of Bernie: His breakfast with Al Sharpton in NYC definitely grabbed some attention! The sight of them together could be enough to induce heart failure amongst many right-wingers ... and far too many self-proclaimed liberals.


Anyway: Good luck to both, and may the better man or woman win.

May 01 2015
Need To Know: Making The Grade + Diamond Girls + Gray Area + Hombre, Can You Spare A Dime? + MORE! Comments (0)


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*widget boy cultureHillary warmly welcomes Bernie Sanders into the race.

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*widget boy cultureStory that Freddie Gray hurt himself isn't holding water.

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Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 12.13.45 AM

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*widget boy cultureJusten Phelps spreads his fuzzy legs.

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*widget boy cultureYes, Virginia, there are gay homophobes.

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Jean-Nidetch-Weight-Watchers-TransformationShe pioneered the concept that overeating is an emotional issue.