13 posts categorized "ALLAN BROCKA"
When Boy Culture hit the film fest circuit in 2006 (we played Tribeca, Outfest and many, many more), it was a dream come true for me — a movie based on my novel was actually being seen. In 2007, it went to the next level, achieving an international run in movie theaters.
Now, in the final days of the Kickstarter meant to rev up a 10-years-later sequel — Boy Culture: The Series — I'm looking back at a few pics from the first go-round ...
“I am 36 years old. I have never known a country where men and women could be bought and sold, where newspapers run ads that say NO IRISH NEED APPLY or water fountains are labeled colored,” Rep. Joe Kennedy said in a moving speech addressing Trump's woefully inadequate, harmful response to Charlottesville.
You know exactly where he's going with it — and you don't mind.
Keep reading for his wise words about not repeating history ...
Singer Steve Grand — a friend of mine set to make his acting debut in Boy Culture: The Series — had granted a frank interview to Attitude, in which he talks about his dependence on alcohol 18 months after quitting.
“I woke up in my own urine in the bed of a person who I don't even think particularly likes me. But he was the only person who came up in the recent messages on my phone so was the one they called, and he took care of me,” he recalls of his lowest moment. “That was the last straw for me.”
More on Steve's Q&A, plus 5 other of the day's hottest links ...
Click here to support me — every pledge helps as we get closer to 50%!
Limited Boy Culture shower curtain — click to pledge! (Image via Instagram @magicalshowercurtains)
First, let me thank those of you who have been so kind as to pledge to Boy Culture: The Series on Kickstarter! We are at almost 200 donors, and at almost $20,000 raised! We have two full weeks left, so we're doing well, but I really need my regulars to chip in a bit. My blog is free, but this film project isn't. I'm forever grateful for even small pledges. Also, please share this link on social media or with anyone you think aspires to have a place in gay media. Thanks! Wish me luck!
SHARE ME: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/406738078/boy-culture-the-series?ref=art55w
KEEP READING for some pics from the set of the first movie ...