ABOVE: His name was Barry, he was a file clerk — but that was 60 years ago ...
ABOVE: His name was Barry, he was a file clerk — but that was 60 years ago ...
ABOVE: Poor guy forgot his clothes. Must be so embarrassed.
BELOW: Keep reading for hot guys, Barry Manilow, Madonna and more...
ABOVE: Bodybuilding god Mickey Hargitay would be 98 today.
BELOW: Keep reading for Zac Efron, Barry Manilow and other gay topics ...
ABOVE: A reminder that Jack Scalia's ass looked great in jeans. Come and follow me on IG if you like the flashbacks.
(Image via Peter Miller/New York)
BONUS PIC: Today's photo is a 2.5" X 3.75" tintype (1870s-'80s) depicting two ladies in soulful embrace. This image is from the estate of Julia Grant Dietz, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant and the granddaughter of Elihu Root, Secretary of State for President Theodore Roosevelt. This was originally obtained at an estate sale in Fayetteville, New York. — Peter Miller, New York
ABOVE: Happy 51 to Steve Burton — and more like this here, if you follow.
BELOW: Keep reading for the NFL's pro-gay ad, Pride walk defaced, Al Gores Trump and more ...
ABOVE: I'm wishing a belated happy birthday (he was born today, June 17) to belated gay icon Barry Manilow (he formally came out like 10 minutes ago).
Sweet and low, sell high! (GIF via GIPHY)
Blondie & Barry Manilow just made huge deals, how gay the Village People really were, the world's oldest Marine and more ... HERE.
ABOVE: One day, Ashley Longshore will be seen as another Da Vinci.
BELOW: Keep reading for dad dong, Louganis's Speedo reunion and butts to watch out for ...