11 posts categorized "BEN AFFLECK"
ABOVE — Teaser for the new season of Old Dogs & New Tricks is here!
Kid ends stand-up routine with a Trump zinger—and the crowd goes wild!
Ben Affleck's ass ended up on the cutting-room floor, but makes appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice extras.
Ass-Ben (Image via Warner Bros.)
Rachel Maddow looks back at other anti-gay violence through the years. Spoiler alert: There's been a lot of it.
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) ham-handedly tries to transform Pulse from being an LGBT club to being a “young person's club,” with “some [LGBT people] there.”
Trevor Noah calls for gun control, notes that Obama addressed nation from room named for victim of gun violence:
Report: Trump campaign has a strategy to secure the nomination in the event of brokered or contested convention: https://t.co/vy7SqRqXvW
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) March 25, 2016
Trump will be denied nomination if he doesn't win it outright.
Sanders, who wants to be Democratic standard-bearer, sues DNC.
Fired-up rallies against NC's anti-trans, anti-gay law.
Time to remind folks that there have been more US Senators arrested for sexual misconduct in bathrooms than trans people #NorthCarolina
— Stephanie Skora (@Stephanie_Skora) March 24, 2016
NYC gay bar Julius' tipped for landmark status.
The movie worth seeing for Miles Teller's bare butt. (Work Unfriendly)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice apparently reeks.
The exact moment Ben Affleck realized #BatmanVSuperman sucks https://t.co/xvMVzRN11b pic.twitter.com/nTshKiz2pk
— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) March 25, 2016
George MacKay's butt. (Work Unfriendly)
Sarah Paulson is “absolutely” in love with Holland Taylor.
More like this at Wicked Gay Blog. (Image via Wicked Gay Blog)
Tina Fey thought the Oscars had a lot of “Hollywood bullshit.”
Gee, I hope Twinks for Trump is bad humor:
Meet Greg: "Sure, Trump will probably try to deport a ton of people. But more tables at brunch, right?" pic.twitter.com/SuQnkW4d9g
— Twinks 4 Trump (@twinksfortrump) March 3, 2016
Gil Hill (Beverly Hills Cop franchise) dies, Tony Burton (Rocky franchise dies).
Who'd you rather: Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill?
(Covers via Entertainment Weekly)
“He knew that I had cameras in my face and that there were expectations to perform. I think that's always been my issue. I'm prone to theatrics in my life. When you're in front of a film crew, the worst thing that an actor can be is boring, and that flows over into my life. Ben saw that I turned reality up to 11. I was a wild man at that wrap party. I was still very edgy and remained so for a long time—and that was sort of my appeal to a lot of directors and casting agents. Ben saw that and was trying to curb it before it became an issue. He was unsuccessful.”