54 posts categorized "BEN CARSON"

Mar 07 2017
6-PACK — Things Go Better With Pepsi + Diana's Gay Butler + Chaffetz: Pick Your iPhone Or Your Life + Cohen In The Gym + Carson: Slaves Were Immigrants, Kinda + Trump's Presidency: FAKE & FAILED! Comments (0)

2080b47147004fca7b8bb8b75e61b5d3“I may have forgotten to mention this, but ... ” (Image via Warner Bros.)

WIDGETVanity Fair: Bizarre Joan Crawford facts to enhance your Feud experience, such as: “Why is that German lady called Mamacita?!”

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 11.28.31 AMPaul Burrell, who is now a village florist (Video still via Reelz Channel)

WIDGETTowleroad: Princess Diana's butler, Paul Burrell, divorces wife of 30+ years, comes out as gay, says Di was only woman who knew about him for years. Past interview:

WIDGETPolitico: House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz, who should be investigating Trump, says poor people must choose: Health, or a phone.

WIDGETtheOUTfront: Ben Cohen hits the gym!

17155346_10155162662034434_2476178855698107533_n(Image via Instagram @bencohenstandup)

WIDGETHuffington Post: Ben Carson thinks slaves were immigrants, admires how they worked hard “for less.”

WIDGETSalon: Morning Joe has been sucking Trump's nether regions forever, but now co-host Mike Brzezinski says, “This presidency is fake and failed”:

Jan 26 2017
6-PACK/trump— Trump Comes Out Swinging For Torture + #2 Russian Hacker Arrested — By Russia + Mattis Had No Clue Black Sites Were Coming Back + Dems Cave On Confirmations + SCREW OUR PRESIDENT Kid Comes On Down + Cyndi Sniffs @ Madonna Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-26 at 11.38.34 AMTrump in his first interview as, gulp, POTUS. (Video still via ABC)

WIDGETTrump: Torture “absolutely” works. I guess his campaign appearances proved that.

WIDGET#2 man in Russia who reportedly oversaw DNC hacking was just arrested for treason there. That'll end well.

WIDGETMattis reportedly had no idea Trump was going to toy with bringing back “black sites.”

WIDGETDems in the Senate are not on board with freezing out Trump — Warren okaying Ben Carson for HUD despite her reservations.

WIDGETThat “screw our president” kid was (Libertarian) Drew Carey's son.

WIDGETCyndi Lauper whines that Madonna went too far in her Women's March speech, but, um, hey, now, hey, now ... 

Jan 13 2017
6-PACK — Ben Wrong Before + Paul Ryan Glibly Tells Cancer Survivor He Won't Miss ACA + Thiel Looks Forward To Trump Corruption + Gandy's Dandy + Caitlyn Live + Patient Zero Evidence! Comments (0)

WIDGETABOVE: Smarmy Ben Carson can't assure Sen. Warren he won't help make Trump richer in his proposed job as HUD director.

WIDGETBELOW: Former Republican who got cancer and suddenly loved Obamacare is told by Paul Ryan repealing ACA is better off dead.

WIDGETGay Paypal tycoon Peter Thiel defends Trump against scandals, saying Obama's 8 corruption-free years were boring. Please, bore me!

Mario-Testino-Towel-Series-David-Gandy(Image by Mario Testino)

WIDGETCheck out Mario Testino's barely-there-towel series on Instagram series; it just landed a new, nude David Gandy.

WIDGETHere's your chance to buy Jennifer Finney Boylan's book ... and introduce a cream pie to Caitlyn's inauguration-going face.


WIDGETStudy concludes what we have surmised for some time: There was no Patient Zero for AIDS outbreak. Also, see above on the FDA blood-donor ban.

Capture-286(Image via screenshot)

Dec 05 2016
6-PACK — Boston Cream Pies + Just Like EVAN + Trump Taps Carson (No, Really) + Dems Build A Stall + Trump Tweeting Us Into WWIII? + Recount On In Michigan + Boselli's Bulge! Comments (0)

Boston-santa-speedo-run-2015-ks-iv(Image by Kyle Szarzy via BosGuy.com)

WIDGETHere's at least four things to do in Boston!

WIDGETReview of Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway

WIDGETTrump selects buffoon — who recently admitted he couldn't handle a government job — as HUD Secretary: Ben Carson. (Get why?)

WIDGETDems plan to delay, delay, delay all of Trump's Cabinet picks. Remember Merrick Garland? Federal judge orders immediate recount of Michigan.

WIDGETGuess one way for Trump to get people behind him is intentionally starting a Cold War with China. Or a hot one?

Screen Shot 2016-12-05 at 10.22.57 AMPietro can't stop revealing himself on Instagram. (Image via Instagram @pietroboselli)

WIDGETAfter the jump, Pietro Boselli (above), shows you his manhood without actually showing it ...

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Nov 15 2016
The Cabinet Of Dr. Can't Do Anything Comments (0)

CwyQRiKUUAEZZ9Q(Video still via FOX Business)

Dr. Ben Carson has said he would not like to play a role in Donald Trump's Cabinet, citing his lack of governmental experience ... in spite of which, he ran for POTUS.

When Ben Carson knows your Cabinet is gonna be a shitshow, it may be time to quit before you start.

Sep 03 2016
Trump Uses Half-Empty Detroit Church To Pretend He Can Stand The Blacks Comments (0)

Donald Trump infested Detroit today—Dr. Ben Carson in tow—in order to take part in a scripted (!) Q&A with a preacher at a black church.

The church was half-empty, but any black person seriously considering lifelong racist Donald Trump as a viable candidate for president is all-nuts, IMO. 

Outside the propagandistic event, protesters chanted, “What do you have to lose? EVERYTHING!” it was in response to Trump's infamous speech asking POC what they had to lose by giving him a shot.

Well, at least the person who currently resides in Dr. Ben's childhood home is a Democrat voting for Hillary Clinton: 

Here is how some of the parishioners from the church Trump attended reacted to his B.S.: 

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Ben Carson Abandons Live Trump Interview Over Luggage Concerns Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 4.48.43 PM(Video still via CNN)

Dr. Ben Carson was in Detroit to help Donald Trump's outreach to black people. His literal outreach looked like this: 

Carson was actually hosting Trump at his childhood home. The childhood home of Dr. Ben Carson? Who the fuck cares? He may be a member of the party of Lincoln, but he ain't Lincoln. So he came from somewhere—so do zits, and I want them to go away as quickly as possible, too.

Meanwhile, Carson is such a narcissist he abandoned a live interview about Trump when he grew concerned over his luggage. Keep reading for that unbelievable video ...

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Jun 24 2016
Kirk Cameron: Thou Shalt Not Lie Comments (0)

So far this year, Kirk Cameron has claimed Jesus's attitude was “either you're for me, or you're against me,” claimed a wife should follow her hubby's lead and has led us to believe that Ben Carson (who?) was a bona fide godly man.

He's either always wrong or always lying. See video.