4 posts categorized "BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH"

Jan 08 2015
Need To Know: Everyone Is Charlie + Cops Stop + Old Wounds + Gay EMPIRE + MORE! Comments (0)

ShirtlessIn the shower, and he's a grower.

*widget boy cultureABOVE: He looks good in the shower.

*widget boy cultureBecause Kirby Delauter.

*widget boy cultureJohn Travolta's O.J. Simpson connection.

*widget boy cultureIt's a Benedict Cumberbatch! (And, coincidentally...)

*widget boy cultureFormer American Idol contender is now a former man. Congrats, girl!

*widget boy cultureRepublican Congress vs. Social Security.

*widget boy cultureFormer Republican VA Gov. Bob McDonnell gets off easy.

*widget boy cultureBrandon Routh still looks great shirtless.

*widget boy cultureLee Daniels on LGBT Empire storyline.


*widget boy cultureRedState compares LGBT activists to Paris terrorists.

*widget boy cultureSocial media users are Charlie. London is Charlie. Madonna is Charlie.

*widget boy cultureCatholic League leader kinda gets why the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists had to die. Black god

*widget boy cultureHave you met God? She's black.

*widget boy cultureTamir Rice's killer flunked his sheriff department exam.

*widget boy cultureNYPD's ineffective unnoticed work stoppage.

*widget boy cultureLooking Season 2 premieres.

*widget boy cultureDaddyhunt CEO to Stephen Fry & Elliot Spencer: “Ignore the haters!”

*widget boy cultureNekkid Spartacus actor.

CraigparkerHe's got it all.

Dec 05 2014
Need To Know: Here's LOOKING At You + I Did Not Have Sex With That Teenager + Gay-American Apparel + God Closes A Whore So He Can Open A Window + MORE! Comments (0)

LookingLooking good...

*widget boy cultureSeason 2 of Looking is almost here!

*widget boy cultureHRC co-founder Terry Bean “absolutely did not have sex with a minor.”

End AIDS? *widget boy cultureKill all the gays.

*widget boy cultureBenedict Cumberbatch will star in Doctor Strange.

*widget boy cultureFlamboyant-and-proud Brendan models for American Apparel.

*widget boy cultureDavid Sedaris's inscription to The Bloggess is priceless:

David-SedarisBook of David

*widget boy cultureIn the wake of the Eric Garner verdict, how NY grand juries work.

*widget boy cultureThey don't fly planes into buildings...yet.

*widget boy cultureGay marriages begin January 5, 2015, in Florida.

*widget boy cultureMiley's disco pasties.

*widget boy culturePOSITIVE Peter Pan Live! review. NEGATIVE one. (What did you think?)

Nov 28 2014
Need To Know: Break Dancing + Noun, Verb, Racism + Rice Beats Rap + Glad They Weren't Called Cumbersnatches + MORE! Comments (0)

Jonathan-BennettNot enough wind beneath his wings

*widget boy cultureMy future boyfriend Jonathan Bennett broke 2 ribs. Thanks, Bette Midler.

*widget boy cultureThis book did not win a Lambda Literary Award.

*widget boy cultureRudy Giuliani sounds like a Klansman at this point.

*widget boy cultureRed State's Ben Howe, a proud bully, pours acid on Michael Brown wound.

*widget boy cultureWilson's freedom was a lock following D.A. & police errors.

*widget boy cultureThe cops who blew away 12yo didn't administer first aid after he went down.

*widget boy cultureFed judge decides Goodell's a liar, Ray Rice gets to play.

*widget boy cultureBenedict Cumberbatch dresses down his Cumberbitches.

MunchkinBitches be like...

*widget boy cultureMunchkin the Shih Tzu does runway.

*widget boy cultureCheerful Madonna and fam in Malawi. Eat shit, Joyce Banda.

*widget boy cultureIs Madonna dating tenor Jonas Kaufmann?

F*widget boy cultureorida going after the gays—again.

*widget boy culture29-year-old Real World star has died.

*widget boy cultureDO NOT CLICK HERE...if you hate men in jockstraps. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy culturePost-Thanksgiving laugh from 2013 never gets old.

*widget boy cultureWas Shia LaBeouf really raped? For art?

*widget boy cultureStar Wars: The Force Awakens trailer after the jump...

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IMITATION Of Life: A Review Of THE IMITATION GAME Comments (0)


BOY CULTURE RATING: *** out of ****

Though it's long overdue, Alan Turing (1912—1954)—the genius who led a group that cracked the code of the Nazis' Enigma machine and helped win WWII for the Allies—is being toasted as a hero. CumberbatchThe father of the modern computer received a posthumous pardon in 2013 and is the subject of a major motion picture, The Imitation Game, which documents his unique mind and the mistreatment (he was prosecuted for being gay and chemically castrated) that led to his suicide at age 41.

The film is a respectful, if simplified, treatment of Turing's life, which was also the subject of a 2012 documentary called Codebreaker. In it, Benedict Cumberbatch turns in a beautifully modulated performance as the socially stunted Turing, with Keira Knightley as Joan Clarke, an adventurous woman whose mind Turing respected even though his sexual orientation precluded the romance she desired. They nearly married, Turing was so fond of her—but he cared too deeply for her to allow her to enter into a sexless union.

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