The committee allegedly charged with seeking answers in the Benghazi attack has come up empty, failing to do what it was really trying to do all along—provide evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asleep at the wheel and therefore somehow to blame. (Trump mouthpiece tweeted that Hillary quote unquote murdered an ambassador. Good to know.)
While they do use the report to claim Hillary should've realized the situation was dangerous (you mean as in ignoring a memo entitled BIN LADIN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN U.S.?), there's nothing to see here, folks, except more evidence that this entire inquiry was a witch hunt.
And the “witch” escaped, so move on.
In other news, Hillary's PUSH bio included a reference to Monica Lewinsky! It's being written off as a staffer's “brain freeze.” Don't cut-and-paste from Wikipedia.
What this campaign is about is ending a corrupt campaign finance system, a rigged economy and a broken criminal justice system. If there is a high turnout tomorrow in New Hampshire, I think we are going to win. Come out and vote and let's transform America. Thank you
Today is the New Hampshire primary, and voting is underway! Why so much value and important is placed in Iowa and New Hampshire, two non-representative states, I'll never understand. But that's the game! Results will be in later tonight.
I emerged on the national scene in 1992, and I have been under relentless attack ever since. Now, just read behavioral science, read psychology: Even when all the attacks prove to be unfounded, untrue, it leaves a residue, right? People say, “Well, why is she being attacked so much? Must be something there.”
That is 100% true. I fought with a crazy dude on Mamie Van Doren's wall (I need new hobbies) who despises Hillary, will not vote Democrat if she is the nominee, and his argument boiled down to, “Well, why has she been in the middle of so many attacks and scandals since before I was born?”
First, he was older than I am, so he needs a calendar. But I also hope—hope!—people like him, who probably have many very valid criticisms of Hillary, will at least take a step back and consider that she is being attacked not because she deserves it, but because she represents a huge threat tot he status quo. Yes, she is more status quo than Bernie Sanders, but he is not a woman (sorry, it does make a difference) and he is not the front-runner anywhere except in New Hampshire. He will be just as unfairly tarred and feathered if he miraculously out-maneuvers Hillary—and he will not deserve the abuse either.
No observers seem to be saying that Hillary Clinton was anything less than unflappable under seven hours (!) of mind-bendingly repetitive and hostile questioning on the topic of Benghazi today.
The Republicans may just have elected her POTUS with their embarrassingly biased, comically blood-thirsty attempts to discredit Clinton.