18 posts categorized "BOWEN YANG"
ABOVE: It's art.
Not the poster for the new Andrew Ahn movie, but keep reading for news on that ...
BELOW: Big news cycle. Gulp. Here goes:
ABOVE: Even if you've never heard of him, come ON.
BELOW: Keep reading for the gayest house ever, BIG Nas X, the first Halston trailer and so much more ...
Some International tail (Image via All Man)
ABOVE: Yes, International Male was the Playgirl of After Darks. Michael Musto interview with filmmakers HERE.
This is the Yang Gang I wanna join. (Image via video still)
The Will Ferrell episode of SNL was okay, but I felt the two long political sketches (including the cold open) left it feeling comedy-light.
Since it aired a week ago, SNL has released FOUR cut-for-time sketches, most of which are pretty hilarious, including this sexy take-off on the movie So Fine (okay, the movie's so old the people who wrote the sketch probably have no clue) — it gives us the opportunity to check out the cracks of Bowen Yang, Kyle Mooney (I always find him so hot when he's done up American Psycho-style) and Alex Moffat ...