9 posts categorized "BOY SCOUTS"

May 23 2018
Chris Hemsworth & Other Stars With Their Doubles + RIP Philip Roth & Clint Walker + Harvey Milk Stoli Bottle + Cody Christian & Daniel Ezra Shirtless + Boy Scout Shamed + Caitlyn Turns On Trump + Stacey Abrams Triumps + MORE! —12-PACK Comments (0)

Above: Keith Laue has a spring in his step.

Below: Keep reading for Chris Hemsworth and his body double, Philip Roth dies at 85, the Harvey Milk Stoli bottle, Mimi Imfurst apologizes, Cody Christian and Daniel Ezra stripped to the wait, plus more ...

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May 22 2017
6-PACK — Where The Wild Things Aren't + Trump's Sinking + No Grabbing Melania + Podesta: Trump's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY + Boy Scouts On Verge Of Change + Equality March News! Comments (0)

Lou-reed-walk-on-the-wild-sideIn 1972, a “sex-change operation” was wild, and people did see it as going from boy to girl. (Image via RCA)

WIDGETThe Guardian: Yes, Canadian students, I hear you when you say Lou Reed's “Walk on the Wild Side” is transphobic. I just think you're dead wrong.

WIDGETPalm Beach Post: A sinkhole has opened up in front of Trump's Mar-a-Lago — maybe that ceremony with the glowing orb backfired?

WIDGETYouTube @ Matt Novak: Melania bats her husband's hand away in public as they arrive in Israel:

WIDGETPolitico: Podesta brands Trump “absolutely crazy.” And you know, he's absolutely right.

WIDGETNYT: James Dale writes about how the Boy Scouts of America can finally start reflecting American values of inclusion.

WIDGETKenneth in the (212): Today is Harvey Milk Day! And next month is the Equality March for Unity and Pride in D.C.

18118962_10154688021553915_2246048776900132809_n(Image via Equality March)

Jul 28 2015
Need To Know: Scout Masters Of Their Domain + Straight Shame + Marital Rape Truther + Chest Incredible! + Cait Engenders Viewership + Weird Science + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureMERIT BADGE: Boy Scouts officially allow gay leaders! Images

*widget boy cultureSeattle's Straight Pride Parade sucked cock.

*widget boy cultureMaybe Trump isn't a rapist, but can you really NOT rape your wife???

*widget boy cultureBobbi Kristina's family played Whitney music as she died.

*widget boy culturePopular true-crime writer Ann Rule dies @ 83.

*widget boy cultureDang, he looks good in them white shorts

*widget boy cultureJamil Smith's Intersection discusses  SCOTUS marriage decision.

*widget boy culturePeople who hunt for sport have no honor. None of them.

*widget boy cultureTig Notaro Tom Cruise is an OK lip-syncher! Images

*widget boy cultureAround 3 million tuned in to see I Am Cait. (It was classy, BTW.)

*widget boy cultureDid Kim Kardashian hand Caitlyn Jenner her ass?

*widget boy cultureBilly Reilich's AMAZING chest.

*widget boy cultureBlake Skjellerup's island-wedding photo album.

*widget boy cultureArtificial sweeteners don't make people fat, people make people fat.

*widget boy cultureFINALLY: Naomi Campbell and Lady Gaga will act together.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton has some real cards in her campaign. Images

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 11.53.53 PMScientist? I'd be surprised if he can spell it.

Jul 14 2015
Need To Know: Frankly, My Dear, He Didn't Give A Damn + Nick Jonas Learns About Gay Love + Walker Running + Renew The Middle Classes! + Trans-itions + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureDid Clark Gable date-rape Loretta Young?

*widget boy cultureNick Jonas's first gay man.

*widget boy cultureHillary's big economics speech was very progressive.

*widget boy cultureRight-wing nut Scott Walker is the TWENTIETH candidate for prez in '16.

*widget boy cultureNever-ending interview with (almost) every Blond Ambition player.

*widget boy cultureFirst Suicide Squad trailer is here!

*widget boy cultureThe NAKED boys of Bridgend.

*widget boy cultureMikey Wax's “Love Always Wins” is the I Am Cait promo song.

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell has picked a GOP-friendly loon to date.

*widget boy cultureSo you think you can be trans ...

*widget boy cultureMichelle Collins is the new View host. (Who?)

*widget boy cultureGays can now be scoutmasters in the Boy Scouts.

*widget boy cultureTrans ban in military to end.

*widget boy cultureAlabama judges won't issue ANY marriage licenses.

*widget boy cultureShe's playing Dolly Parton!!!

*widget boy cultureRob Lowe has gone and lost his damn mind:

May 22 2015
Need To Know: I Gave Her Tonight At The Office + Duggar Bugger + Reisner: $orry Not $orry + The Mess With Texas + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 11.39.27 PM

*widget boy cultureAdore Delano's spooky video for her remake of one of the best '80s songs!

*widget boy cultureFlintstones voice actor John Stephenson dies @ 91.

*widget boy cultureI WAS A TEENAGE CHILD MOLESTER: Josh Duggar resigns his anti-gay post.

*widget boy cultureMaybe he's spoken out against molesters because they were competition?

*widget boy cultureKing of the Boy Scouts Robert Gates: Lift ban on gay scoutmasters.

*widget boy cultureGirl Scouts already accept trans girls.

*widget boy cultureIan Reisner was sorry, then called gays cheap, now is sorry again.

*widget boy cultureDown-low Grindr pastor counseled teen to off himself.

*widget boy cultureRidiculous Pastor Protection Act passes in Texas.

*widget boy cultureDisgusting insult Drake made behind Madonna's back.

*widget boy cultureUnused Madonna “Vogue” vocal ad-libs, plus her full lead vocal, isolated.

*widget boy cultureALL-TIME HIGH: Gallup sez 60% of Americans support marriage equality.

*widget boy cultureA Barbra Streisand memoir is coming!

*widget boy cultureFor all you aspiring proctologists out there.

*widget boy cultureHot young guy has almost no clothes on.

*widget boy cultureGym studs in love.

*widget boy cultureReminder: Bryan Hawn has an unbelievable ass.

*widget boy cultureDrug-fiend mental patient gets 24 years for pushing man on subway tracks.

*widget boy cultureMiley sandwich with drag bread.

*widget boy cultureSleeveless Nick Jonas.

*widget boy cultureMost surprising Kickstarter documentaries!

*widget boy cultureMadonna's latest mansion.

*widget boy cultureNathan Sykes from The Wanted releases “Kiss Me Quick” vid.


Apr 06 2015
Need To Know: The BREAKABLE Dr. Brandt, RIP + Harry Moaner + Pizza Race + I'm Coming Scout + Such A Tease + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureDr. Brandt, world-famous dermatologist, dies @ 65.

*widget boy cultureMiami Herald columnist cites Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in Brandt's death.

*widget boy cultureJames Van Der Bigot. (Funny.)

*widget boy culturePrince Harry moaning away.

*widget boy cultureEx-CBS reporter claims two male colleagues sexually harassed him.

*widget boy cultureRaise money for LGBT homeless youth, not anti-gay pizza twirlers.

*widget boy cultureACTION JAXON: Quinn in motion.

*widget boy cultureHerbalife mucky-mucks feelin' the heat.

*widget boy cultureGeorgia teacher offers Christian litmus test (Obama support) to kids.


*widget boy cultureABOVE: Amazing legs. And everything else. Via NICE MALE.

*widget boy cultureNY Boy Scouts challenging national gay ban.

*widget boy cultureVegan diet helps the planet.

*widget boy cultureFind out your real age. (I'm 25, so...yeah.)

*widget boy cultureCute and shirtless.

*widget boy cultureTwin Peaks Season 3 will be missing a key player.

*widget boy cultureKylie Jenner responds to blackface concerns.

Jul 29 2014
Fly Like An Eagle Comments (0)


Liam Easton-Calabria says recounts his experience with the Boy Scouts of America, during which he—as a young gay man—spoke out on the record against the BSA's anti-gay policies. He was sat down by a review board, grilled (not about any gay issues) and...well, see what happened next...

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Jun 25 2014
Need To Know: Sylvester Returns + McCarthy McFired? + Hair Apparent + Facials Get Ugly + Scout & Proud + MORE! Comments (0)

Sylvester MightyReal2Oh, how the “Mighty Real” have risen!

*widget boy cultureAnthony Wayne brings Sylvester to Off-Broadway in Mighty Real. Il_570xN.588333217_9lqh

*widget boy cultureIs What's the T? the trans Paris is Burning?

*widget boy cultureJenny McCarthy's out at The View?

*widget boy cultureChris Kattan's Mango returns!

*widget boy cultureFor all you hairy chest lovers.

*widget boy cultureBelinda Carlisle's menopause miracle magnet.

*widget boy cultureVuthy Sim's Old Glory Swimsuit...just in time for 7/4!

*widget boy cultureN. Hollywood facialist hires white supremacist to kill rival.

*widget boy cultureVia Queerty: Up Stairs Lounge survivors speak in new doc.


*widget boy cultureMUST-SEE: The Classical Nude and the Making of Queer History.

*widget boy culture4yo white girl pokes hole in blame-the-black-man robbery claim.

*widget boy cultureBoy Scouts to break from helping old ladies to lead NYC Pride Parade.

*widget boy cultureRedhook Ale Brewery on Pride: “Rather be in the fridge than the closet!

Redhook-Ale-BreweryEat, drink and be...oh, Marrrry!