3 posts categorized "BRODY JENNER"

Oct 26 2015
Need To Know: Where The PLAYBOYs Are + Beyoncé Storms Halloween Party + I Left My Towel In San Francisco + 21 HOLOGRAMS + What Ever Happened To New Ideas? + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy culturePlayboy Halloween party: A great place to meet horny str8 boys. Images

*widget boy cultureBeyoncé is Storm from X-Men for Halloween bash. FO-split

*widget boy cultureCould bathhouses return to San Francisco? Images

*widget boy cultureJuicy gossip about porn, teen heartthrobs, Madonna & me.

*widget boy cultureThe tragedy of Jem and the Holograms.

*widget boy cultureThe Dept. of Homeland Security shouldn't go after hookers.

*widget boy cultureSomebody up and stole a human leg.

*widget boy cultureGloria Steinem explains why the White House needs Hillary.

*widget boy cultureGermaine Greer explains why Caitlyn is not a real woman.

*widget boy cultureBen Carson says abortion is like slavery.

*widget boy cultureThe perfect place for effeminate men who think they're masculine.

*widget boy cultureGreat Q&A with Leanza Cornett, the 1st AIDS-activist Miss America.

*widget boy cultureAmazingly, the Gaga/Madonna Baby Jane concept continues to be presented.

*widget boy cultureHow to watch classic films on your iPhone. Images


Jul 20 2015
Need To Know: Dump Trump? + STAR WARS War + Brody Duggar + Those Fishy Loch Ness Stories + Caitlyn Hits The Abbey + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureTrump savages McCain, Republicans rebuke and rant ... but he won't apologizeImages

*widget boy cultureDisney has no sense of humor/parody at all

*widget boy cultureHow to get Madonna's, well, everything.

*widget boy cultureTig Notaro on topless standup, life post-cancer.

*widget boy cultureShould your li'l sisters teach you things about sex?

*widget boy cultureChristie Brinkley's sexy son.

*widget boy cultureWas the Loch Ness Monster really just ... this???

*widget boy cultureOH, HAYYY: Caitlyn and Candis Cayne party at The Abbey.

*widget boy cultureIs Bill Cosby's damning deposition the last straw?

*widget boy culture3 y.o. Riley Curry steals the Internet with celebratory dance.

*widget boy cultureThe Godfather and Facts of Life (both!) actor Alex Rocco dies @ 79.

*widget boy cultureAnt-Man, Minions and the excellent Trainwreck kicking B.O. ass.

*widget boy cultureDon't click here unless you wanna see a nekkid stud.

Jul 16 2014
Need To Know: RootPaul + Underwear'd It Go??? + Dems #Winning + Gender-Shaming Mrs. O + Selfie Control + Madonna's Cougar Ways Cheered + MORE! Comments (0)

RuPaulWhy the Shelley Long face?

*widget boy cultureJustin Root interviews RuPaul, addresses crow's feet issue.

*widget boy cultureJessica Simpson says she's now Jessica Johnson.

*widget boy cultureJOCKSTRAPPED FOR CASH: Universal Gear in Chelsea, NYC, closing.

*widget boy cultureDaniel Radcliffe's Horns gets a trailer. Have a look.

*widget boy cultureDems slightly ahead in CO & MI Senate races.

*widget boy cultureBritain's Got Talent winner Jamie Lambert comes out.

*widget boy cultureUTAH THIS COMING A MILE AWAY: 2 ex-Attorneys General arrested.

*widget boy cultureCameron Diaz pukey at the thought of tapping Drew Barrymore.

*widget boy cultureTeabaggers align with Joan Rivers in insulting Mrs. Obama.

*widget boy cultureLeAnn Rimes (of all people) wants you to Dance Like You Don't Give a...!

*widget boy cultureSoccer deep throater. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureEx-gay Pastor Duane Youngblood (the name!) accused of molesting a boy.

*widget boy cultureThis kid's celebrity selfie destroys all of yours.

*widget boy cultureBrody Jenner in hot water over selective wedding attendance.

*widget boy cultureCRY ME A RIVER: Public hates Boehner's idea of suing President Obama.

*widget boy cultureNY Post writer defends (!) Madonna's “wild love life.”

*widget boy cultureWeird Al Yankovic transforms “Happy” into “Tacky”, enlists comic support.

Margaret-ChoCho mama!