3 posts categorized "CARTER PAGE"

Mar 05 2018
Collusional: Sam Nunberg's Off-The-Rails Interviews Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 6.26.11 PM(Video still via MSNBC)

Sam Nunberg, former Trump campaign aide, was subpoenaed by Robert Mueller — and he's claiming he will refuse to comply!

Even wilder, Nunberg gave a rambling interview today in which he said Trump planned to endorse Hillary had he lost the Republican primary, says Trump “may very well” have done “something” with Russian during the election, Carter Page did collude with the Russians and it would be “really, really funny” if Mueller arrested him ...

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Apr 03 2017
Trump Sure Can Pick 'Em: Carter Page Met With Russian Spy Comments (0)

Donald Trump's instincts about people have never been good, but the revelation that 2017-03-03t01-27-34-3z--1280x720.nbcnews-ux-1080-600 onetime top foreign policy aide Carter Page met with a damn Russian spy — yeah, that one's gonna have legs.

Via Buzzfeed:

A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

If this were Hillary and not Trump, there would be a low-budget documentary showing her being disemboweled hitting theaters Wednesday.

Mar 20 2017
6-PACK — Trump Is Nixon On Steroids + Nunes Never Hoida Carter Page, Roger Stone (!) + 9/11 Families Hit Back + George Michael Knew + Bill Kennedy Flashback + Bringing Her Shea Game! Comments (0)

Screenshot.1441735646-470x548(Image via Nixon Foundation)

WIDGETHuff Post: “Not since Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal has an investigative hearing made it so clear that a presidency was in serious legal peril.” Also, no wiretapping.

WIDGETTwitter @kylegriffin1: Holy fuck — House Intel. Chmn. Devin Nunes claims never to have heard of Carter Page or Roger Stone aka “What's Aleppo?”:

WIDGETJoe.My.God.: So many conspiracy theories, but here's a conspiracy fact — 100s of 9/111 families suing Saudi Arabia for complicity in the attacks. Yes!

WIDGETPink News: George Michael knew he was dying: “I thought he was waking up and I saw him coming alive again, maybe the last flash of the candle.”

WIDGETRick's Real/Reel Life: If you like my tributes to old-timey movie & TV icons, don't miss Rick's remembrance of WKPD-TV's '70s & "80s Robert Osborne: Bill Kennedy!

Bill-Kennedy-TV-movies-Detroit-hostBill would die again at the lack of classic-movie knowledge displayed by millennials (Image via WKBD)

WIDGETChicagoist: Tony Peregrin talks drag with RDR's Shea Couleé: “Drag goes so much further than just the gender-bending quality of the art form.”

2017_sheamainShea Couleé (Image via Shea Couleé)