Donald Trump's instincts about people have never been good, but the revelation that
onetime top foreign policy aide Carter Page met with a damn Russian spy — yeah, that one's gonna have legs.
Via Buzzfeed:
A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.
The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.
A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.
If this were Hillary and not Trump, there would be a low-budget documentary showing her being disemboweled hitting theaters Wednesday.