Jimmy Kimmel has apologized for jokes that some (who?) in the gay community (again, which ones?) found offensive because they felt the punchline was anti-gay and anti-bottom.
10 posts categorized "CHELSEA HANDLER"
Dan Hass wants some of your money to make a darkly funny short called Magic H8 Ball, an LGBTQ project about what happens to a young gay guy when he realizes his boyfriend has cheated on him after he's diagnosed with chlamydia.
The plot involves a magic 8ball that actually has some mysterious power to it.
There's no question you'll want to keep reading for news on this film, DACA (with a Golden Girls twist), red-hot Alan Ritchson booty and Michael Michaud's amazing series of gay Hollywood remembrances ...
Gay agent Michael Einfeld was not happy when his assistant, Rosette Laursen, asked to have the day of the National Women's March off, so he responded by venting to others — many others, replying all unintentionally — that she should “sew her vagina shut,” and threatening to never hire another “girl.”
Laursen was made aware of his misogynistic comments and threatened to sue, which he ignored. So she went public, and an already ugly situation got uglier. Keep reading for that and more of the day's hot links ...
JR Ford, a concerned dad of a trans daughter, writes: “Every time we let any hate speech fester without rebuke, we perpetuate a future where kids and adults like my own child could be the next target for violence merely for catching the eye of a man so insecure in themselves that they would resort to violence because of attraction ... We cannot treat that daily threat of violence as normal.”
Keep reading for his comments and more of today's hottest links ...
Chelsea Handler welcomed the wonderful Sen. Barbara Boxer to her show Chelsea for a day-after-the-election postmortem that wound up awfully emotional.
This is a deeply touching time for me, watching Boxer tear up while contemplating writing to Hillary to console her over her loss.
Boxer, struggling to be optimistic, offers many words of wisdom, with the upshot being:
You pick yourself up ... and you fight even harder for our country, 'cause it's ours! It's ours!
It's very hard to find the inspiration at this point, but I am still seeking it.
Hilarious segment on Chelsea in which Fortune Feimster impersonates Ann Coulter, who called in sick rather than duke it out with Chelsea ...
(All images by Matthew Rettenmund)
Friday the 26th was the long-awaited 25th-anniversary screening of a pristine, restored print of Truth or Dare at Metrograph in NYC, featuring commentary by director Alek Keshishian (who also co-wrote W.E. with Madonna 20 years after they first met) and moderated by noted Madonna-basher Chelsea Handler.
Black-and-white ... and would Madonna get read all over?!
I hardly knew what to expect, considering the week's other Truth or Dare screening—at MoMA on Wednesday—had attracted Madonna herself.
[If you live in NYC and haven't been to Metrograph, do go. It's a lovely, chic theater that offers eclectic movies, including classics, midnight movies, cult hits, first-run arthouse fare and, well, Space Jam. (Look who's snarking—I'm paying $15 to watch Body of Evidence there next week!)]
Before Truth or Dare started, my friend Raj noticed in the lobby two of the female stars of Quantico (Yasmine Al Massri and Johanna Braddy) with their dates, so I was able to get some quick pics of them. Braddy was turning 4 years old when Truth or Dare was released, BTW.
The guy who came out to intro the movie had the hipster vibe down pat, shrugging his way through a few lines about how the movie was part of a series of Madonna's masterpieces, then telling us the place has a restaurant upstairs if we ... whatever. It was actually very funny, and not the typical anal-retentive speech given at fledgling moviehouses about upcoming events.
Watching the movie for the second time in 48 hours was odd because ... it totally didn't bore me. I found new things to focus on, and even spotted the late Jack Larson in/near the infamous Kevin Costner scene.
As the movie wore on, though, I was nervous because I'd been hoping to get some shots of Chelsea and Alek before or after. Luckily, one of my companions, Anthony (who designed my book) was monitoring Facebook and noted that fellow fanboy Michael Da Rocha had posted a pic with Chelsea from outside. That was my cue to hit the lobby, where I found Chelsea and Alek holding court at the bar with a gaggle of familiar fan faces.