8 posts categorized "CHRIS BROWN"

Jan 23 2019
Hold Your Breath! + Bryan Singer Facing 4 New Accusers + Couple Gay-Bashed In Austin + MAGA Teen Isn't Sorry + Logan Paul's Follies + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: The scenic route.

BELOW: Deep dive between some dude's legs, the truth comes out about Bryan Singer, gay-bashed men seeking justice, Logan Paul capitalizes on his gaffe and more ...

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Jun 25 2016
Thank Ya, Yeezus: Kanye's Latest Music Video Is Actually Good Stuff Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 12.54.28 PM(Image via Tidal)

Ever wanted to see Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, George W. Bush, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Ray J, Amber Rose, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Anna Wintour and Caitlyn Jenner nude in bed together?

Thanks to Kanye, you can see just that, in his cheeky “Famous” music video, which uses trickery and, presumably, stand-ins to create the illusion that all of those famous/infamous figures are sharing a spent morning after together.

Check it out on Tidal.

Jun 03 2016
6-PACK — Chris Brown: No Homo(phobia) + Gay Syrian Immigrant Denied Asylum + Obama Contacts Family Of Murdered Activist + 200,000 @ Tel Aviv Pride + Cuban Disses Trump + Tech Shared Needles With Unwitting Patients! Comments (0)

Chris-brown-and-olivier-rousteing-homophobic-insta-comments-ftrBrown & Rousteing (Image via Instagram)

*widget boy cultureChris Brown POed at homophobic haters for calling him gay over pic with Olivier Rousteing.

*widget boy cultureSyrian immigrant who says he fled Turkey to avoid ISIL denied asylum by Greece.

*widget boy culturePresident Obama has reached out to the family of murdered Bangladeshi gay activist Xulhaz Mannan.

*widget boy cultureApprox. 200,000 celebrate Tel Aviv Pride, by far the largest gay-rights celebration in the region:

*widget boy cultureMark Cuban, consistently put forth as VP possible for Trump or Clinton (!) says Trump would be a “puppet president.”

*widget boy cultureRocky Allen, accused of shooting himself up with drugs and then using the same needle on patients in pain, has tested positive for HIV.

Screen-shot-2016-06-02-at-8-56-820x430Allen allegedly disregarded the needs and the health of his patients. (Image via Crime Watch Daily)

Jan 04 2016
Need To Know: WICKEDly Romantic + The Road To Sedition + Saudis Lose Their Heads + Zack Attack + They Sure Is Ugly + Who Cares If Bill Feels The Bern During Urination? + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureBroadway hotties Daniel Robinson & Josh Daniel Green get engaged on Wicked stage.

*widget boy cultureHORROR: ISIL tosses boy from roof for being gay—because he was raped.

*widget boy cultureArmed militia takes over part of federal refuge in Oregon. (But it's okay; they're white.)

*widget boy cultureTROUBLE: Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Iran. SA had executed Shiite cleric.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton says SA wasn't smart to go through with executions.

*widget boy cultureSan Diego cops shoot, kill gay man in domestic dispute.

*widget boy cultureZack Hardt would've been great on my list.

*widget boy culturePrEP and HIV-drug resistance studied.

*widget boy cultureChris Brown & latest accuser get into ugly battle.

*widget boy cultureComic: Cosby accusations = anti-black conspiracy.

*widget boy cultureDisney prince-tastic Logan Paul.

*widget boy cultureSanders objects to Trump bringing up Bill's sex life.

*widget boy cultureRare color pics of the making-of Some Like It Hot.

*widget boy cultureCéline Dion sings the FUCK out of Adele's “Hello.”

*widget boy cultureKylie Minogue camps it up with “Off with His Shirt.”

Kylieshirt-660x330Off with Joshua Sasse's shirt!

*widget boy cultureAmber Rose appreciates men who treat women well. (???)

*widget boy cultureFirst pic (sorta) of Saint West.

*widget boy cultureSexxxy UPS guy. Sexxxy, hairy legs. Sexxxy, spread legs.

*widget boy cultureTop 5 celeb peen moments of '15. (Work Unfriendly)


Aug 25 2014
Need To Know: Crack Shot + VMA Bloods Bath + Osborne-Again + Gay For Islam + The White Stuff + Another Gay (Porn) Movie + MORE! Comments (0)

Tumblr_n0q04uryx01s8j10fo1_400Get bent!

*widget boy cultureDo wrestlers make you horny?

*widget boy cultureChris Brown throws Bloods gang signs, Suge Knight gets shot.

*widget boy cultureCatching up with Michael Sam.

*widget boy cultureDan Osborne, shirtless god, does naked ice-bucket challenge.

*widget boy cultureNeil Patrick Harris also takes the challenge.

*widget boy culture...but Ramin Karimloo does the challenge best of all:


*widget boy cultureDO THE HUSTLE!: Lea Michele shows off her hustler beau. SeattleSuspect2

*widget boy cultureGay serial killer did it in the name of Islam?

*widget boy cultureMiss Spain comes out—1st gay national beauty queen.

*widget boy cultureGAY-BEIJING: Harsh comments from citizens on LGBTs.

*widget boy cultureTeen makes important AIDS discovery.

*widget boy culturePandora Boxx's yummy Mammo-Grahams.


*widget boy cultureABOVE: This helps to explain racial tension in the U.S. to some extent.

*widget boy cultureMichael Brown grand jury is mostly male, mostly white.

*widget boy cultureShould we stop freaking out about ISIS/ISIL?

*widget boy cultureWhat it's like on tour with Austin Mahone.

*widget boy cultureIggy Azalea pulls an Ann-Margret.

*widget boy culturePaul Ryan can't handle DREAMers at book signing.

*widget boy cultureThe worst thing David Sedaris has ever published?

*widget boy cultureFor some reason, I'm a Porn Star's trailer is blowing up...after the jump...

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Mar 15 2014
Need To Know: Dis-R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Wendy's Big Mouth, My Aunt Fanny, Cavallari's Shot In The Dark + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: Aretha Franklin atomic-shades Patti LaBelle at the White House.

*widget boy cultureMalaysian plane probably pirated, or otherwise sabotaged.

*widget boy culture"Commandeering" aircraft more common than you think.

*widget boy cultureWendy Williams leads unapologetically transphobic CrossFit chat.

*widget boy cultureCheryl Merkowski's "Walls Fall Out" video is BEYOND: 

*widget boy culturePrincess Diana leaked royal numbers out of spite.

*widget boy cultureThe origins of "teenagers."

*widget boy cultureKristin Cavallari doesn't believe in vaccinations.

*widget boy cultureTennessee (!) now recognizes 3 gay marriages.

*widget boy cultureDirtbag Chris Brown arrested. Again.

*widget boy cultureOut anchor Don Lemon in running to replace Piers Morgan.

*widget boy cultureTHE SKIN I'M IN: Aesthetician plotted rival's murder.

*widget boy cultureDON'T compare Gaga to Katy Perry.

*widget boy cultureMissed that My Brilliant Career & Happy New Year actress Wendy Hughes died 3/8.

Mar 01 2014
Need To Know: Mother Russia Reclaiming A Wayward Daughter?, Das Pitt, Brown & Out, Something Old + MORE!, Comments (0)

*widget boy culturePutin is invading Ukraine, but it's okay, at least the Olympians got to compete.

*widget boy cultureJoan Rivers takes a cake to "her" face. What pig did this???

*widget boy cultureBOURNE THIS WAY: Great beauty site for guys and girls.

*widget boy cultureMeet "the Brad Pitt of Germany."

*widget boy cultureVIOLENT RETREAT: Chris Brown ordered to rehab.

*widget boy cultureUgandan Pres. Museveni's daughter is not gay—story a hoax.

*widget boy cultureUganda hit with aid cuts over approach to gay rights.

*widget boy culture(((Gay))) group invited to march in Boston St. Pat's parade.

*widget boy culture"Stinky little town" to honor Madonna with...a sign.

*widget boy cultureSPEECHY KEEN: Jimmy Cagney honored by AFI in 1974.

*widget boy cultureUp close and personal with one of your favorite bloggersMadonna

*widget boy culturePeter Staley calls out gay-on-gay shaming.

*widget boy cultureTogether 53 years, these dudes will wed in TX!

*widget boy culture"ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?": Waitress offers her tip.

*widget boy culture"LOOK OUT BLACK WOMAN, A WHITE HOMO MAY TAKE YOUR MAN." (Any advice on how to do this?)

Nov 21 2012
"Diamonds" And The Girls' Best Friend: A Review Of Rihanna's 777 In NYC Comments (5)

Rihanna-777-NYC-10 copy


Longtime readers of Boy Culture may be surprised that I made it out to Rihanna's 777 gig last night Rihanna-Unapologeticat Webster Hall; I haven't exactly written of my undying affection for the Barbadian bad girl.

But while I haven't been able to relate to her reaction to her Chris Brown beat-down, I have to admit she has a string of hit songs, many of which feel like indelible classics. Is it really so hard to imagine people listening to and loving "Only Girl (In the World)", "Don't Stop the Music", "We Found Love" or "Umbrella" decades from now? Speaking of which, with her new single "Diamonds" hitting #1, she ties Madonna and The Supremes with 12 pole-positioners, putting her behind only Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey and The Beatles for most #1 hits. And she's only 24...the same age Madonna was when she released her very first single. (Yes, yes, I know—Rihanna has had guests, Rihanna has benefited from iTunes. But it's still fucking impressive.

The gimmick of Rihanna's (tumultuous!) 777 is that the surprise gigs are free and first-come-first-served. She was traveling with press and superfans to complete 7 gigs in 7 countries in 7 days. With New York the last stop, I felt lucky to be invited so showed up at 7:30. Doors were at 7, my contact told me she was expected at 9. Famous last words.

RIhannaInside, I was three to four people back from the stage. The gatekeepers made sure that the venue was only about 1/4 full until 9...people seemed to be trickling in. As soon as I found my spot, a brassy twentysomething girl, hanging on her hot boyfriend, asked me to take their picture, which I happily did. Much to my dismay, she became my arch-nemesis, pushing hard against me as she danced wildly to the endless warm-up music, hours before Rihanna graced us with her presence. Finally, she asked if I could move over slightly. I did so. She took up that space and continued. I was at a loss...we really weren't even packed in yet.

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