38 posts categorized "CNN"

Feb 18 2022
OILF (Olympians) + Waylon Smithers Covers ATTITUDE + Red COVID + The Ridiculous Case Against Don Lemon + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Your #TBT could never.

BELOW: Keep reading for hot jocks, Trump's day in court advances, Pink Flamingos gets some belated love and more ...

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May 22 2021
Lip Micropigmentation (WHY?) + Mark Wahlberg As Gay-Accepting Dad + Santorum Flushed + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Like ... no.

BELOW: Keep reading for hate-criminal Mark Wahlberg playing a proud dad of a gay kid, Santorum flushed by CNN and more...

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May 05 2021
Trump Still Facebook-Banned + RIP Nick Kamen + Elise Stefanik To Replace Liz Cheney: THE FIX IS IN + Biden Readying Response To Anti-Trans Laws + American Gay Activist Dies Of COVID-19 In India + MORE — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Martial awe.

BELOW: Keep reading for just how low the GOP intends to go, Kevin Spacey's accuser has a secret, death of a gay activist and a Golden Era dancer and more...

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Jan 28 2021
Anti-LGBTQ? You're WALKING DEAD To Me + Gay High Schooler's Mom's Got His Back + Caning In Indonesia + Hogg On Gun Nut + Demi Moore Work + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: I don't often share just flat-out funny memes, because they're everywhere. But.

BELOW: Keep reading for a sexy new Walking Dead (it's still on) gay story arc, a gay high schooler with a cool mom, a caning in Indonesia, Trump's evil actions that are hard to undo and more ...

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Oct 30 2020
Kirstie Alley Served By CNN Comments (0)

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May 29 2020
Racist-In-Chief Trump Tweets: WHEN THE LOOTING STARTS, THE SHOOTING STARTS; Police Precinct Breached; CNN Crew ARRESTED Comments (0)

Trump-racist-thugs-looting-shooting-minnesota-boyculture(Image via Twitter)

It's not a good idea to go to sleep anymore in the U.S. — you never know if you're going to wake up to the same country. And we haven't.

Calling people thugs is part of why this is all happening.

Twitter-trump-looting-shooting-boycultureTwitter noted that the President of the United States is “glorifying violence.” (Image via Twitter)

Unrest in Minnesota over the George-floyd-boyculturein-broad-daylight murder of George Floyd has inspired Trump to tweet that the people reacting to systemic racism and oppression are the THUGS, and to promise armed military intervention — and more state-sanctioned murders.

How can anyone think looting and unrest are the problem when black people are being targeted and willfully murdered for no reason at all, for non-violent offenses, and in Floyd's case, Hennepin County Attorney Michael Freeman has already telegraphed the ending to the story, saying:

My job in the end is to prove he violated a criminal statute. And there is other evidence that does not support a criminal charge. We need to wade through all of that evidence and come to a meaningful decision and we are doing that to the best of our ability.

He later said he misspoke about other evidence. Too late.

CNN's Omar Jimenez, a man of color, and his crew were — outrageously — arrested by Minnesota state police for covering the rioting in the city. An American reporter has been arrested by police. This is what happens in a dictatorship. There can be no doubt that there is a connection between the fact that it was CNN's staff being arrested and Trump's continual braying that CNN is “fake news” and “the enemy of the people.” This is a breath away from Tiananmen Square.

CNN is calling for the immediate release of its employees:

Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, has reportedly apologized to CNN's Jeff Zucker, and is working to have the CNN crew released. The problem is that we are in an increasingly police-controlled state, regardless of who is at the top of the food chain. They're acting more and more on their own.


Derek Chauvin, the cop who murdered Floyd with a knee on his neck had been the subject of over a dozen police-conduct complaints — with no punishment. Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng were immediately fired after Floyd's death.

Floyd and his killer, Chauvin, both worked security for the same club, El Nuevo Rodeo on Lake Street in Minneapolis. Chauvin worked outside and Floyd and other security guards worked inside.

Thao brutally beat an unarmed, handcuffed man during an arrest six years ago.

The protests of Floyd's murder have spread across the U.S., and are threatening to snowball as prosecutors weakly have requested patience as the case is examined.

√ HUNDREDS of cops are protecting ... the home of murderer Derek Chauvin.

√ Armed rednecks are out there in Minneapolis protecting — what else? — the stores. The stores.

Jan 01 2020
Kathy Griffin & Randy Bick Say I DO — And It Was Officiated By Lily Tomlin: Watch! Comments (0)

Kathy-Griffin(Image via video still)

Kathy Griffin promised her followers a New Year's Eve surprise, and she delivered — she married longtime beau Randy Bick, and Lily Tomlin did the honors ...

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Apr 11 2019
Julián Castro Is High On Marijuana Legalization Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 11.05.28 PMHe's on the right side of history when it comes to marijuana. (Image via CNN)

I think Castro is a grower — speaking of which, how he stands on pot:

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