ABOVE: Everything about this.
7 posts categorized "COLOMBIA"
ABOVE: Alaska here to fill the void created by Lady Gaga's retreat into folk/country/rock.
Nico Tortorella, tatted and Speedoed up.
Australian 13-year-old kills himself after years of bullying.
RIP Tyrone Unsworth (Image via Facebook)
Are gay resorts still a thing? Hawaii's Sunseeker has rebranded, shedding its LGBTQ-specific status.
Trump randomly declares U.S. flag-burners belong in jail, or should lose citizenship.
Survivor Alan Luciano Ruschel posted a video immediately prior to the deadly flight. (Video still via Ruschel)
Plane carrying Brazilian soccer team crashes in Colombia, kills at least 75 of 81 on board.
After the jump, video posted by Ruschel from aboard the plane prior to the disaster:
A 6-3 court victory just made #Colombia the 23rd country on 5 continents with the @freedomtomarry! @ColombiaDiversa pic.twitter.com/h52Nxgf93T
— Evan Wolfson (@evanwolfson) April 7, 2016
Colombia's Supreme Court has ruled, 6-3, that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. Congrats!
(Image by Clash Magazine)
Bieber's side-booty for Clash.
Unpacking the utter B.S. of the right's talking points about the KKK.
Shirtless Zac Efron pics, including him flashing a stars-and-stripes Speedo.
.@ZacEfron shows off his rock-hard body at #Baywatch shoot: https://t.co/7OObBbEGT2 🔥 pic.twitter.com/8OVhTEcC2n
— ExtraTV (@extratv) March 6, 2016
Male hustler ring puts Colombian cops in agua caliente.
Thousands protesting on behalf of gay adoption in Italy.
Morrissey for mayor???
These ladies have guts to be out there as trans women playing a traditionally male sport in a macho country as a way of letting people get to know who they are and what they're about...
Air Mariahs sneaking back into stores.
Ladypockets is fashionably hilarious.
Bianca Del Rio references “what's left of” Carmen Carrera's “dick”; apologizes.
Colombian prez, in election year, evolves on gay marriage.
1ST & FOREMOST: Katy Perry is on all 62 Cosmo covers worldwide for July.
Mealy-mouthed Mitch McConnell attacked for Obamacare flip-flop.
THERE SHE IS...: Pageant returns to Off-Broadway.
The interesting corpse of America's former biggest mall.