6 posts categorized "CONGRESS"

Jul 25 2015
Need To Know: Blond Girl + ENDA Discrimination As We Know It + Surprise: Shooter Was Nuts + Not-So-Incredible Hulk + Just Jealous That You Can't Be Nick + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 11.51.19 PMShe raises a couple of good points!

*widget boy cultureSWEDE HEART: Spectacular Blond Ambition World Tour footage!

*widget boy cultureNew anti-discrimination bill will benefit millions of LGBT people.

*widget boy cultureLA shooter was mentally ill, loved Hitler, hated black people.

*widget boy cultureScooter LaForge licenses some of his brilliance to Blondie. 

*widget boy cultureBlack people simply are not up to Hulk Hogan's standards.

*widget boy cultureVAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY: NY Times effs up Hillary story.

*widget boy cultureSome people think Biden would be a good Democratic candidate.

*widget boy cultureNew Jessica Six vid = “Down Low.”

*widget boy cultureReal-life “Alex Vause” dishes on Orange Is the New Black: “Total fiction.”

*widget boy cultureNick Jonas brags on his very good year to Billboard.

Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 12.13.00 AMJealous much?

Jun 15 2014
Need To Know: Tons Of Guys, One Cup + Marriages Postponed + HAPPY FATHERS GAY! + Let The Catholic Church Pay Taxes Like All The Other Drag Queens + MORE! Comments (0)
*widget boy cultureWorld Cup stallion Ezequiel Lavezzi.

*widget boy cultureWisconsin marriages on hold. For now.

*widget boy cultureDame Angelina Jolie. Seriously.

*widget boy cultureHappy Father's Day to every kind of dad!

*widget boy cultureBig, multi-year deal for Michael Sam.

*widget boy cultureSF's Archbishop wants Constitutional gay-marriage ban.

*widget boy cultureAlabama just now getting on board with sodomy. Tori

*widget boy cultureTori Spelling cries poverty, drops $6K on kiddie bday bash.

*widget boy cultureHIV TAKEDOWN: Effective antiretroviral injection?

*widget boy cultureAaron Schock is no breakfast of champions.

*widget boy cultureSarah Palin might quit Republicanism.

*widget boy cultureTed Cruz divorces Canada. Colbert's take.

*widget boy cultureGay rights in the '70s! '80s! '90s! 2000s!

*widget boy cultureCop kisses BF—take that Westboro!

*widget boy cultureHot new Funky Trunks ad features soccer studs.

May 27 2014
Need To Know: Instastuds + Saw, Too + HEART Attacked & Praised + Swear-In Closets + Hot Jocks + MORE! Comments (0)

Edward-WildingHis expression says, “I know...right???”

*widget boy cultureMale models Instagramming in their undies.

*widget boy cultureMad Men's other brother.

*widget boy cultureJapanese pop group AKB48 attacked by saw-bearing fan.

*widget boy cultureFacebook director slams media in epic rant.

*widget boy cultureKanye's wedding speech was puke-inducingly narcissistic.

*widget boy culturePro Normal Heart review: “Sometimes yelling is required.”

*widget boy culturePro Normal Heart review: Bomer & Parsons rule, shoulda been a miniseries.

*widget boy culturePositive Normal Heart review: “...for mostly better, sometimes worse...”

The-normal-heart-matthew-bomer-mark-ruffalo_article_story_largeHeart monitored

*widget boy cultureMeh Normal Heart review: Characters die too fast. (Um, hello?)

*widget boy cultureMeh Normal Heart review: Good acting, bad directing.

*widget boy cultureB- Normal Heart review: “AIDS isn't the public health issue it once was.”

*widget boy cultureNormal Heart slam: Bad timing? Too much man-on-man sex?

*widget boy cultureElton John: “Today, as ever, silence equals death.”

*widget boy cultureIllinois has a long tradition of Republican closet cases.

*widget boy cultureIt's always a good moment to see Hugh Jackman's butt.

*widget boy cultureBieber gives $545,000 to AIDS research.

*widget boy cultureRugby players are rather attractive, don't you think?

Rugby-shirtlessRugger buggers

May 22 2014
Dismantling Obamacare: Very Hazardous Duty Comments (0)

Jaclyn-SmithThe good doctor paints himself as a small business owner, LOL!

Charlie's Angels star Jaclyn Smith is married to a pediatric surgeon who is running for Congress—as an anti-Obamacare (that ship has sailed, Doc!) nutjob. Or rather, a Republican.


God damn, man, were any of the Angels liberals?

See his appeal for votes after the jump...

Read More

Need To Know: Bending Over Pages + Rey Of Light + Gay Sex Not Like Buttah + Hello Kitty + Cher's A Place For Us + MORE! Comments (0)

Madonna-V-Katy-PerryYou Bettie, you Bettie, you Bet

*widget boy cultureMadonna's V covers with Katy Perry are Bettie Page Fabulous.

*widget boy cultureKenneth in the (212)'s first NYC book-signing event!

*widget boy cultureLana Del Rey singing for her supper at Kardashian nuptials?

*widget boy cultureLarry Kramer says Truvada's for cowards, Streisand finds gay sex distasteful.

*widget boy cultureHe says he's a “Truvada whore.” Does that combat slut-shaming?

*widget boy cultureMass shooters are Democrats, cops are Nazis: Vote fer me!

*widget boy cultureTrannyshack in SF changing name in the name of transgender sensitivity.

*widget boy cultureThese Grindr dudes are not str8-acting, they're str8!

*widget boy cultureHER PUSSY HATE HER.

*widget boy cultureSexy “Sea Fable”—they make me wet.

*widget boy cultureBlack, gay rapper insulted, arrested in Portugal.

May 06 2014
Need To Know: Boner Juggler Is Multi-Tasker, Drag (Disg)Race, Clay Aiken To Win, Royal Air, Willow's Dirty Pillows + MORE! Comments (0)

Jamie-Stroud-Chip-TannerOne-trick pony

*widget boy cultureSexy boner-juggler Jamie Stroud is sexy porn actor Chip Tanner.

*widget boy cultureSteve Wiles, a Democratic drag queen turned anti-gay Republican, loses NC primary. Derrick-Gordon-Gerald-McCullouch

*widget boy cultureClay Aiken in close NC primary race—leading by less than 1%.

*widget boy cultureDaddy: The Movie producer dating 22-y.o. Derrick Gordon.

*widget boy cultureSouth Africa wages war on anti-gay and gender-based violence.

*widget boy culture3-minute time-lapse film of L.A. is breathtakingAlig

*widget boy cultureRather amazing short film on female body hair.

*widget boy culturePhilly man beaten to death by Grindr trick.

*widget boy cultureJames St. James's open letter to freed killer Michael Alig.

*widget boy cultureClick here if you care about queer books.

*widget boy cultureAnti-feminist Shailene Woodley is incest-curious.

*widget boy cultureDonald Sterling's side-piece V Stiviano is a grifter.

*widget boy cultureWillow Smith, 13, in bed with actor, 20. Just...in bed.

*widget boy cultureDustin Lance Black will speak at alma mater after all.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's crazy? Prince won't even swear anymore!

*widget boy cultureObama & Dems' polling ticks upward.

*widget boy culture“Gone” was for Michael Jackson, not *NSYNC.

*widget boy culturePrince William flew coach.

*widget boy cultureJon Hamm worked in the porn biz, calls it “soul-crushing.”