20 posts categorized "CORY BOOKER"
ABOVE: Lally gagging.
ABOVE: Summer, hurry up.
ABOVE: The whole wide world.
BELOW: Keep reading for porn's cream o' the crop, Booker drops out and Carl Siciliano says farewell ...
Booker's one of the Dems to speak out on Spirit Day. (Image via video still)
Happy Spirit Day!
GLAAD's Spirit Day turns 10 with GLAAD & Little Bee Books devoted to LGBTQ acceptance as well as a slew of videos from 2020 contenders providing comfort and strength to kids enduring bullying. Watch ...
Elizabeth Warren used the occasion to “preach.” (Image via video still)
The LGBTQ Presidential Forum presented by The Advocate, The Gazette and One Iowa Friday (held during Bi+ Awareness Week) was streamed live from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and contained most of the remaining Democratic nominees speaking out on LGBTQ issues.
Noteworthy: Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang took a pass on this, which I find to be galling.
Angelica Ross of Pose hosted the event, which was moderated by several different questioners of varying degrees of competency.
Biden has all the right positions — does he have all the right stuff?
I liked Liz Lenz, but some others have pointed out her framing of a question about trans rights was very different for Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
Keep reading to watch all the answers, including some funny and some squirmy ones ...