2 posts categorized "DAVID CLARKE"

May 21 2017
6-PACK — The Son Is Not My Kid + Trump Blows Saudis For Ca$h + Duetting With Styles + The Rock For Prez? + Fake Valor! Comments (0)

Mark Lester_Oliver!_1968Did Mark Lester create Michael Jackson's kids? (Image via Columbia)

WIDGETLad Bible: Mark Lester, of Oliver! (1968) fame claims he could be the bio dad of Michael Jackson's children, and that Madonna got naked to try to seduce Jackson.

WIDGETHuff Post: Trump softens tone on Islam — in front of Saudi king. Back home, he's said Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. His arms deal with the oppressive regime? Illegal.

WIDGETJoe.My.God.: Report — Saudis giving $100M to Ivanka's foundation. How is this different in any way from Clinton Foundation accusations?!

Harry-Styles(Video still via Soda Music)

WIDGETDListed: Watch and listen to a weepy Harry Styles duet with Stevie Nicks.

WIDGETExtraTV: The Rock on running for prez: “I'm in!”

WIDGETAOL: I had no idea Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke — the plagiarist taking a Homeland Security job — wears 100% fake military garb/medals! 

Dec 01 2016
6-PACK — Pence's Gayborhood + Sheriff Clarke Is Certifiable — And May Be A Trump Hire + HEY QWEEN! Get This Stuff + Special Snowflake Tomi Lahren Is Color-Blind (And Color-Deaf, Color-Dumb) + Sanders Sniffs At Carrier Deal + RIP DOLLY! Comments (0)

CyistEbWIAAjSq3(Image via Twitter @ABC7Suzanne)

WIDGETPence's D.C. neighbors troll the LGBTQ-hating veep hard with rainbow flags.

WIDGETBatshit-crazy Sheriff David Clarke may be Trump's most dangerous, unqualified, anti-LGBTQ possible hire.

WIDGETAwesome new Hey Qween! merch is here.

Unnamed(Image via Hey Qween!)

WIDGETTomi Lahren is a white-winger who argues she doesn't see color. Trevor Noah isn't having it:

WIDGETSanders nails it on why Trump's Carrier deal is no deal at all.

WIDGETBehemoth Bauer acquires Australia's venerable teen mag Dolly, kills print edition. RIP, 1970-2016.

DOLLY-collector-coversAussie band In Stereo had collectible covers on a recent issue. (Images via Dolly)