14 posts categorized "DEBBIE REYNOLDS"

Jan 23 2017
GOOD MORNING To You! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 9.45.18 AM(Video still via Christopher Rice)

This is ambitious — a full-on “Good Morning” tribute that's just like the one in the 1952 classic Singin' in the Rain, if Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor were boyfriends (as Christopher Rice and Clay Thomson are)!



A photo posted by Christopher Rice (@chrisriceny) on

Eloise Kropp doubles as Debbie ...

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Jan 06 2017
6-PACK — He's Britney's Bitch! + Carrie Makes An Ash Of Herself + Wikileaks Continues Fascist Slide + Madonna Love BAZAAR + Bachmann Slams EVIL Gays + FL Shooting — Gov. Scott Snubs Obama During Crisis! Comments (0)

WIDGETIt's official: Intel report spills the beans that Putin himself ordered U.S. election interference to benefit Comrade Trump.

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 5.56.01 PM(Image via Instagram)

WIDGETMore on Britney Spears's new starfucking boyfriend.

WIDGETCarrie Fisher's ashes were deposited into an urn ... shaped like a Prozac pill. Plus, inside her & her mom's joint service.

WIDGETWikileaks considering publishing private info of all verified Twitter users in order to dox unfriendly voices, journalists.

WIDGETMadonna takes a dual cover of Harper's Bazaar (February 2017) for its Spring Revival Issue — flapper fabulousness:


C1hVK4ZUUAAFiZq.jpg-largeIt's also possible the B&W image is just from inside! (Images via Harper's Bazaar)

WIDGETShooting takes place in Florida airport, people die, Gov. Rick Scott pointedly doesn't contact President Obama — contacts Trump/Pence: 

Jan 03 2017
6-PACK — Father Figure + Mariah Is Gay + Megyn Kelly Out-Foxed + Model Girlfriend + Sinking CELEBRITY APPRENTICE Ship + Joely On Carrie, Debbie Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 12.59.49 PM(Image via Sony)

WIDGETDid George Michael pay for a woman's IVF treatments after seeing her story?

WIDGETMariah from Sister Wives comes out as a lesbian.

WIDGETSEEING THE LIGHT: Megyn Kelly up and leaves Fox for NBC.

WIDGETGuess which ex-wife of an evil tyrant/rumored F.B. of another evil tyrant is now dating this bulge-tastic 21-year-old model:

6a00e54ecca8b9883301b8d1a882ab970c(Image by Bruce Weber for V Man)

WIDGETBig drop in post-Trump The Celebrity Apprentice ratings; Trump remains paid producer in spite of denials, flap.

WIDGETHalf-sister Joely Fisher speaks about day-before-death texts with Carrie Fisher about age, their “frail” moms. (Hers is Connie Stevens.)

Jan 02 2017
Carrie: The Non-Musical Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-02 at 9.35.56 AM(Video still via Studio Q)

One of my most reliable tipsters pointed out this interview with the late, great Carrie Fisher from 2011, assuring me it was one of her best ever. He was right.

UPDATE: Didn't realize the interviewer was later accused of some crazy sex crimes. He was acquitted.

If you're not overwhelmed by the week-long lovefest for Carrie, please take a look. She's very articulate and the interviewer is on point ...

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Oct 09 2015
Need To Know: Debbie Does Dish + Brainless Neurosurgeon + GHB DUI + For Ryan Out Loud! + Genre-Bender + Spread The Love + Swift Departure + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureDebbie Reynolds is dishing the decades-old dirt, including Scotty Bowers goss. Images

*widget boy cultureBen Carson literally thinks Jews with guns could've averted the Holocaust.

*widget boy cultureJohn Stamos uses GHB to lean out. Tumblr_nuw0syI41J1s89pd7o1_500

*widget boy cultureGee, Paul Ryan is really failing upward.

*widget boy cultureGets no hotter than THAT. Images

*widget boy cultureGenre-bending fantasy!

*widget boy culturePan? EW.

*widget boy cultureHow to guess if your kid will be gay.

*widget boy cultureLoving this bendy boy's SPREAD.

*widget boy cultureFirst teaser for that O.J. Simpson flick.

*widget boy cultureTaylor Swift is taking a break?

*widget boy cultureIs it PC run amok to object to a kids' toy featuring a slave?

*widget boy cultureSpeaking of Hollywood beards ...!

*widget boy cultureGay marriage came to TV October 9, 1977! Keep reading to see ...

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Jun 03 2009
Night At The Museum: Singin' Through The Pain Comments (3)

IMG_5852"Nobody knows who Debbie Reynolds is."—Debbie Reynolds

When José suggested we consider seeing Debbie Reynolds at Café Carlyle—apparently her first IMG_5834 Manhattan engagement in over 25 years in spite of a busy schedule of nightclub appearances—it was a no-brainer. It's not as if we have a Debbie poster in our living room and know everything there is to know about her, but she's one of the last of the legends from Hollywood's Golden Era (if she'd never done anything else but Singin' in the Rain, that would have been enough) and one of the last of the vaudeville-type stage stars who's still in good working condition. Plus she was a highlight of Will & Grace—what would have stopped us?

IMG_0748The late Bobby Short is memorialized in the Carlyle's lobby.

We'd never been to the Carlyle, but figured springing for the VIP seats would not break us if we were already committing to a menu IMG_5835 with $25 apps. We arrived at 6:30 and were promptly seated directly next to the teeny-tiny stage. The room is only a 70-seater, so it was quite cozy. This is where Woody Allen still religiously plays, and it definitely has a jazzy air to it, what little air there is in this breakfast nook of a New York institution. 


The captain and waiters were as austere as the room, but in a New Yawk way; this is not a place for European royalty, but for guys and dolls who've made their fortunes working hard and then wheeling and dealing. They are facelifted and be-suited, jeweled and jaded, but they know what's what and were not about to blush in spite of Debbie's reputation as a somewhat bawdy old dame.

She's still here!

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