5 posts categorized "DEREK HOUGH"
Have you ever sat through a movie just because you knew an actor in it was gonna get shirtless?
These days, you don't really have to — the images will always hit the Internet.
One of my favorite kinds of shirtless scenes is the kind where the actor is actually shown removing his shirt. So keep reading for over a dozen GIFs of famous faces in the act of revealing their famous pecs and abs ...
The Bishop of Husi — Corneliu Barladeanu — has stepped down for what he terms “the peace and good of the Church” after video surfaced of the 51-year-old engaging in sex acts with a male student.
The uproar has ignited an unholy amount of attention in Romania following a Holy Synod in which a sex scandal was reportedly discussed for the first time in the body's 92 years. Keep reading for this and other hot links of the day ...
(Image via Instagram @liampayne)
ONE ERECTION: Liam Payne's latest self-Insta-objectification.
HOT FUZZ: Another sexy man with a stache. One of the best hairy chests EVER.
SHOW-OFF: Ryan Libbey reveals acres of skin for Daniel Jaems.
BULGING WITH GOODWILL: Prince Harry, a beach, some baby turtles.
Derek Hough was Mark's best man. (Image via Instagram @markballas)
DANCING DOWN THE AISLE: Mark Ballas got hitched. To a girl.
F*CK YOU, TRUMP!: Put Trump & Putin where they belong: Your butt.
(Image by Jerrad Matthew/The Underwear Expert)
THEY'LL TAKE A MILES: Miles Alexander by Jerrad Matthew for The Underwear Expert.
STRETCH: Seems like a sensible workout look:
STELLAR CONTRIBUTION: 1978 hotness from the great Stanley Stellar: