19 posts categorized "EBOLA"

Dec 04 2014
Need To Know: You Got Robbed + IMITATION Of Gay Life + Quarantine Angel + The House Of Madonna + MORE! Comments (0)

ShirtlessThe WOOF! is on fire...

*widget boy cultureThere's more where the above came from right here. Nudes here.

*widget boy cultureRob Gronkowski gets naked.

*widget boy cultureWhy LGBT people have always had to “rediscover” our heroes.

*widget boy cultureDr. Nancy Snyderman defiantly sorry for breaking Ebola quarantine.

*widget boy cultureMcCartney more popular than Jesus, Madonna richer than McCartney.

*widget boy cultureOlivia Newton-John sold her house to Madonna & Sean Penn.

*widget boy cultureJesse Sarvinski won't be letting you get away: 

*widget boy cultureWhoa, check out Barbie's box!

*widget boy cultureDoes Michael Sam think he's not in the NFL because he's gay?

*widget boy cultureOlympic legend John Carlos criticizes Charles Barkley's “scumbags” comments.

*widget boy cultureElton John defends his ongoing friendship with Rush Limbaugh.

*widget boy cultureJeremy Parisi is gonna make you sweat till you bleed.

Jeremy-ParisiSweaty or not, here I come!

Nov 17 2014
Ebola Aid Comments (0)


The latest incarnation of “Do They Know It's Christmas?” is here, featuring everyone from One Direction to Seal to Bono and Sinéad O'Connor (whose voice I don't even recognize)...

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Nov 12 2014
Marilyn Lives! Comments (0)

Popstar Marilyn, after years of drug abuse that made him seem destined for an early grave, seems to have bounced back into good health, at least according to this feisty interview. Gavin Rossdale and the new Band Aid project for Ebola don't come out without a scratch.

Nov 11 2014
Need To Know: Jonasgasm + Physician Healed + Lyp Service + Rick Perry's Pain In The Ass + Signed, Sealed, DELIVUHED + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureIMPURITY RING: Watch Nick Jonas have an orgasm here. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureWait, there's more butt!

*widget boy cultureAdorable aspiring model burns alive while train-surfing.

*widget boy cultureNYC doc cured of Ebola.

*widget boy cultureA pic of Lypsinka with the late Kelly Osbourne.

*widget boy cultureDemonic fairy wand???

*widget boy cultureCollege kids embarrass Rick Perry with butt-sex questions.

Oct 27 2014
Need To Know: Desperately Seeking Hoodies + Jennifer, Justin Time + Rumor Control + Psychic Friends + MORE! Comments (0)

Madonna-hoodieGet into the hood...

*widget boy cultureCheap way to rock the Madonna Desperately Seeking Susan look.

*widget boy cultureJennifer Aniston got married/broke up.

*widget boy cultureRumer Willis doesn't want to be retouched.

*widget boy cultureNurse held for hours due to Cuomo/Christie Ebola measures hires lawyer.

*widget boy cultureKris Jenner has no shame.

*widget boy cultureNancy Reagan was fucking nuts. Proof? She spent $3K a month on an astrologer.

*widget boy cultureMama June is a terrible person: The sequel.

*widget boy cultureRobin Williams's gay-themed film may not be released.

*widget boy cultureSee how he looks in his undies:

UnderwearTook it off

Oct 25 2014
Need To Know: Rugby Goes Down + Bulging With Curiosity + Red Alert + Shaft Snood + Ebola Fever + MORE! Comments (0)
*widget boy cultureMeet ex-rugby stud Jarryd Hayne.

*widget boy cultureLatest school shooter defies stereotypes: Popular jock.

*widget boy cultureNick Jonas plays “Guess the Bulge,” starring Zac Efron.

*widget boy cultureExtremely sexy ginger!

*widget boy cultureSurprisingly, Mama June is a terrible, horrible, nogood, very bad mom.


*widget boy cultureThis item would've have aroused me even as a hormonal gay teen.

*widget boy cultureGotham star Corey Michael Smith's killer butt is all the rage on the Internet.

*widget boy cultureBAR NUN: Madonna reacts to Sister Cristina.

*widget boy cultureFirst new TV series of the year has been canceled, and it's...this one.

*widget boy culturePeople are getting STUPID about Ebola. Lizz Winstead is getting SMART.

*widget boy cultureAfter the jump, haunting video from the discovery of Ebola in 1976...

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Oct 23 2014
Need To Know: Terror Shooting In Canada + Elvis Photographer Has Left The Building + My Two Bits On 50 Cent + Still-TRUE BLUE + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureFamed Elvis photographer Alfred Wertheimer dies @ 85.

*widget boy cultureIslamic fundamentalist dies during terror shootings in Ottawa.

*widget boy cultureHomophobic 50 Cent joins Cyndi Lauper's pro-gay holiday concert.


*widget boy cultureDo you wanna go as “Sabrina Duncan” for Halloween?

*widget boy cultureBristol Palin cussin' up a STORM after that skankified Alaskan brawl.

*widget boy cultureKeepin' 'em honest, Anderson Cooper confirms: No HIV risk from towels.

*widget boy cultureAnother fucking idiot jumps the White House fence.

*widget boy cultureMichael Brown autopsy report released.


*widget boy cultureMadonna's 28-year-old True Blue hits Top 25 again in the UK.

*widget boy cultureGaga facilitates gay on-stage marriage proposal during her ARTPOP Ball Tour.

*widget boy cultureInsane betch gets caught in chimney.

*widget boy cultureSouth Dakota GOP Senate candidate Mike Rounds is a crook?

*widget boy cultureReporter who wrote critically of gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner (R-IL) resigns.

*widget boy cultureGov. Rick Perry (R-TX) was too quick to play that Ebola card.

*widget boy cultureElizabeth Pena drank herself do death.

*widget boy cultureTina Fey was pissed she could so easily hire Jan Hooks.

*widget boy cultureNew Kimmo Matias album The Ministry of Pornography.

Kimmo-MatthiasAbsolutely no regrets 

Oct 21 2014
Need To Know: Wicked Popular + Eat, Drink & Be Married + It's Only A Play + Stinko DeMaio + Going Downey + Bader To The Bone + MORE! Comments (0)

Wicked Gay BlogI got somethin' to say...

*widget boy cultureWicked Gay Blog's most commented posts EVER.

*widget boy culturePresident Obama: Gay marriage is a constitutional right.

*widget boy cultureThe Death of Klinghoffer is the new Corpus Christi.

*widget boy cultureFashion icon Oscar de la Renta dies @ 82.

*widget boy cultureGay, anti-gay, maybe grab-assy GOPer Carl DeMaio is also a misogynistic fat-shamer.

*widget boy cultureShonda Rhimes exiles anti-gay tweeter from Shondaland.

*widget boy cultureMariah proves she only looks like shit, but sounds great!

*widget boy cultureWHAT THE SHELL?: Could turtle-like Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) lose???

*widget boy cultureBuffy star Nicholas Brendon arrested in bizarre Boise incident. Is sorry.

*widget boy cultureWould you f*ck this Chili's cook?

Opsexycookofchilis1Me love you long time, short-order cook!

*widget boy cultureSeth Rogen still fighting mad over Freaks & Geeks cancelation.

*widget boy cultureRobert Downey Jr.'s dick should have a Learning Annex class.

*widget boy cultureJessica Lange & some other heifers cover Elle's Women in Hollywood ish.

*widget boy cultureRuth Bader Ginsburg vs. the GOP's voter-ID scam.

*widget boy cultureTbe rebirth of the word “Maverick” as it relates to Madonna (and more).

*widget boy cultureWyoming gay-marriage ban = unconstitutional.

*widget boy cultureDr. Nancy Snyderman's quaratine-pooh-poohing might end her NBC career.

*widget boy cultureLance Bass & Michael Turchin have set a wedding date.

*widget boy cultureThe Comeback's comeback continues, unabated.

ComebackGreen-screen queen