10 posts categorized "EDIE WINDSOR"

Feb 04 2019
Kristoff St. John Dead At 52 + Older Gay Couple Murdered, Russian Neighbors Okay With It + The Coming Edie Windsor Memoir + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Aptly named.

BELOW: Keep reading for the death of a soap hunk, gay murder as keeping up with the Joneses, Edie's swan song and more ...

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Oct 16 2018
Girl Culture! Comments (0)

Zina34(Image via Marching in Their Footsteps)

I'm proud that my shot of the late, great Edie Windsor is part of the worthy Marching in Their Footsteps campaign!

Jun 30 2018
Explaining The Journey Of Marriage Equality Comments (0)

Edie WindsorThe late Edie Windsor at the NY Pride March 2017 — a few months before her death (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

As we enter an unsettling phase at the SCOTUS — where gay marriage rights could feasibly be in jeopardy (already) — check out this fascinating series of interviews with the late, great Edie Windsor, which go a long way toward explaining our victorious struggle to bring marriage equality to the U.S. ...

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Jun 20 2018
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Declares Today Edie Windsor Day Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 1.21.19 PM

Edie Windsor did so much for LGBTQ rights — she's deeply missed. Now, New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo is declaring today Edie Windsor day in honor of what would've been her 89th birthday.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb09a9d8f7970d-800wiEdie Windsor at last year's NYC March (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

My last time seeing and shooting Edie Windsor (who died in September of 2017) was at last year's Pride March.

Here she is at the Out 100 party in NYC in 2013:

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Sep 16 2017
Hillary Eulogizes Edie + Kathy Griffin's Sister Dies + John McCain Comes Out Against Trump's Trans Ban + Wesley Woods Backs That Thing Up + Olivia De Havilland Claims She Doesn't Use Vulgarity + RIP Harry Dean Stanton — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

LeN1zJJxHillary Clinton — who I love but who I would never argue was Harvey Milk, yet who has shown herself to be a reliable LGBTQ ally — was a surpise eulogist at Edie Windsor's funeral Friday, prasing the equality hero and imploring all within earshot to stand up for justice.

It went way better than her Nancy Reagan eulogy. Way. Better.

Keep reading for some of her words, and for more of the day's hottest links, including McCain's trans ban declaration, Wesley Woods's full moon and Olivia de Havilland making Ryan Murphy her B-word ...

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Sep 12 2017
Edie Windsor, Who Brought Down DOMA, Dies @ 88 Comments (0)

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb09a9d8f7970d-800wiSad news for the LGBTQ community — Edie Windsor, whose SCOTUS case destroyed the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, granting same-sex couples federal recognition, has died.

She was 88.

Keep reading for an obit on this trailblazer ...

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May 30 2017
Edie Windsor To Receive Icon Award At TrevorLIVE New York Ceremony Comments (0)

Edie-WindsorEdie in 2013 (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

Edie Windsor, whose court case led to the end of DOMA, will receive the Icon Award at TrevorLIVE New York June 19.

She said:

Being honored by The Trevor Project is a very big deal for me. I'm thrilled and humbled to be recognized by an organization that does so much for our LGBTQ young people. The fact that The Trevor Project continues year after year to be there 24/7 helping prevent suicide and averting crisis gives us all a future we can believe in.

The fundraiser will also feature Imagine Dragons, whose lead singer Dan Reynolds will be named a Trevor Hero.

More info here!

Nov 04 2016
Hillary Grants Exclusive Q&A To LGBTQ Paper THE WASHINGTON BLADE Comments (0)

In an exclusive Q&A with the Washington Blade, Hillary Clinton has forcefully asserted her commitment to LGBTQ issues and rights, and deflected criticism that the Clinton Foundation accepts monies from anti-LGBTQ countries.

On the passage of an Equality Act:

As President, I’ll make fighting discrimination against the LGBT community a top priority – including by working with Congress to pass the Equality Act. And we won’t stop there. We’ll also take on harassment, bullying, and violence – and youth homelessness, which disproportionately hurts LGBT kids. We’ll end the harmful practice of so-called “conversion” therapy for minors, because LGBT kids don’t need to be “cured” of anything. And we’ll bring people together to reform our gun laws and keep guns from falling into the wrong hands, so that what happened at Pulse never happens again. All of these things are part of my vision for a hopeful, inclusive America where everyone counts, and everyone has a place.

On the Clinton Foundation dealing with Saudi Arabia:

 I am so proud of the work the Clinton Foundation has done on behalf of vulnerable people all across the world – especially the work to combat HIV and AIDS, an epidemic that disproportionately impacts LGBT communities around the globe. Due to the work of the Clinton Foundation, 11.5 million people in the developing world have access to HIV medication at 90 percent lower cost. That’s more than half of all adults and ¾ of all children receiving treatment today.

I’ve always believed that we shouldn’t shy away from confronting human rights abuses around the world – against LGBT people or anyone else. That’s why, as Secretary of State, I actively stood up to these countries and have advocated for the rights of many, including declaring that “gay rights are human rights,” and made advancing the rights of LGBT people around the world a cornerstone of our foreign policy, including advocating for the first ever United Nations resolution on LGBT rights. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has conducted business deals worth millions of dollars in or with some of these countries and has done it for the sole purpose of padding his own pockets.

Here’s the bottom line: As your president, I will continue to fight for LGBT rights here in the United States and around the globe.

More of Hillary's remarks here.