15 posts categorized "EMPIRE"
ABOVE: Every day is leg day.
ABOVE: Either or both! Netflix or chill.
BELOW: Keep reading for Brandon's hot pits, Jussie fallout, Michelle's achievement and more ...
Jussie is laughing at the police over this one. (GIF via GIPHY)
Jussie Smollett, who has maintained he was innocent of staging that hate-crime attack against himself all along, won't have to prove it — Chicago will not prosecute him for the crime after all.
ABOVE: The great outdoors.
I've been torched on social media for respectfully pointing out inconsistences in Empire star Jussie Smollett's story of allegedly being attacked January 29 in Chicago, unfriended by a trans woman who bizarrely concluded that supporting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford meant we have to believe every alleged victim always, and informed by intellligent people who should know better that if someone says they're a victim, they are — no proof needed.
UPDATE: Smollett Vehemently Denies Involvement
Now comes word that many in gay media have known was coming for some time and dreaded — an avalanche of information (some on the record from police, some from unnamed police sources) — that Jussie Smollett likely orchestrated his own fake hate-crime attack.
What is known and on the record:
Roger Severino — listen to her talk!!! (Video still via YouTube @TheDailyLedger)
Washington Blade: Trump taps rabidly anti-trans Heritage Foundation ideologue Roger Severino to run the civil rights division of the Dept. of Health & Human Services.
The View: Donald Trump Jr.'s asinine tweet gets attacked by the women. London's mayor doesn't like it much, either.
(Video still via Instagram @shawnmendes)
Gay Fleshbot: A good, old-fashioned Shawn Mendes thirst trap. (Work Unfriendly)
Kenneth in the (212): Ah, but which coach is hotter?
I choose this coach! (Image via Instagram)
Dlisted: Nia Long & Taraji P. Henson “got along about as well as Terrence Howard gets along with an asshole that hasn’t been freshly touched by a baby wipe.”
YouTube @Skavlan: Emma Thompson volunteers the story of the time Donald Trump cold-called her for a date. Keep reading for the video ...