Bryce Harper bare naked for ESPN magazine!
34 years ago this weekend: RARE CANCER SEEN IN 41 HOMOSEXUALS.
Author of RARE CANCER piece on AIDS retired in 2009.
Ben Ryan argues for the end of “AIDS.”
Former Rand Paul aide on why Republicans are wrong on gay marriage.
Kentucky clerk sued for refusing to issue same-sex marriage license.
Jim Webb as a Virginia senator = yay. As a prez nominee? Boo.
Hillary Clinton not freaking out over Bernie Sanders.
Guess who Chris Evans was secretly dating?
Anti-vaccine whackjob Jim Carrey uses autistic kid's pic without permission ...
I'd like to apologize to the Echols family and others for posting a pic of their kids w/o permission.I didn't mean to cause them distress.
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) July 3, 2015
... and the kid's autism was genetic. Um, sit down.
NJ lesbian leader thinks NO GAYS ALLOWED signs are totes okay.
Obama to broaden use of clemency to free non-violent drug offenders.
Which type of stalker is yours?
The challenges of being gay and having gay friends.
Kareem Abdul-Jabaar dumps on Trump.
Malia Obama on the set of Girls.
Paul Rudd farts throughout interview.
NYC's Tribeca Cinemas closing.
VIDEO: The criminal too dumb to tell PUSH from PULL.
Gigantic penis alert. (Work Unfriendly)
Eric Dane is in The Last Ship, on the last page of People.