2 posts categorized "ERIC DANE"

Jul 04 2015
Need To Know: Bryce Ass! + Gay Day, Gay Day! + Viral Lede + The Right's Wrong On Gay Marriage + Carreying On + Great Dane + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureBryce Harper bare naked for ESPN magazine!

*widget boy culture34 years ago this weekend: RARE CANCER SEEN IN 41 HOMOSEXUALS.

*widget boy cultureAuthor of RARE CANCER piece on AIDS retired in 2009.

*widget boy cultureBen Ryan argues for the end of “AIDS.”

*widget boy cultureFormer Rand Paul aide on why Republicans are wrong on gay marriage.

*widget boy cultureKentucky clerk sued for refusing to issue same-sex marriage license.

*widget boy cultureJim Webb as a Virginia senator = yay. As a prez nominee? Boo.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton not freaking out over Bernie Sanders.

*widget boy cultureGuess who Chris Evans was secretly dating?

*widget boy cultureAnti-vaccine whackjob Jim Carrey uses autistic kid's pic without permission ...

... and the kid's autism was genetic. Um, sit down.

*widget boy cultureNJ lesbian leader thinks NO GAYS ALLOWED signs are totes okay.

*widget boy cultureObama to broaden use of clemency to free non-violent drug offenders.

*widget boy cultureWhich type of stalker is yours?

*widget boy cultureThe challenges of being gay and having gay friends.

*widget boy cultureKareem Abdul-Jabaar dumps on Trump.

*widget boy cultureMalia Obama on the set of Girls.

*widget boy culturePaul Rudd farts throughout interview.

*widget boy cultureNYC's Tribeca Cinemas closing.

*widget boy cultureVIDEO: The criminal too dumb to tell PUSH from PULL.

*widget boy cultureGigantic penis alert. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureEric Dane is in The Last Ship, on the last page of People.

Jan 23 2015
Chest Between You And Me... Comments (0)
  Gyllenhaal-love-and-other-drugs-86ca9b0c_infobox Wahlberg-corruptor-8bd7da97_infobox Mcconaughey-fool-s-gold-d31bc06e_infobox Craig-quantum-of-solace-565291f8_infobox Dane-valentine-s-day-51ebbd2d_infobox Pitt-troy-c7d01ccd_infobox Reynolds-proposal-763370c4_infobox Schwarzenegger-stay-hungry-4036c08b_infobox Stallone-rocky-iv-b0296d0e_infobox True_Blood_S06EP10__045704_15-35-31__infobox

Sometimes, nudity isn't even as hot as when something is left to the imagination. Checking out a powerful bare chest in a movie can make it hard to focus on the rest of the story.

In the gallery above, ogle the best chests in the West (Hollywood), belonging to Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Wahlberg, Matthew McConaughey, Daniel Craig, Eric Dane, Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Joe Magnaniello.

Then feel free to sign up for Mr. Man—they have plenty of great chests but don't stop there.