ABOVE: Coitus spreads some Michael Oliver Love via this image.
ABOVE: Coitus spreads some Michael Oliver Love via this image.
ABOVE: Crazy, illustrated demographics about NYC. How could only 10% make $100K? I guess those people must own or rent multiple apartments, 'cuz you're supposed to make 40x your monthly rent, annually, in order to be approved a lot of places.
Pro-Bernie Spike, saying system is “rigged,” urges: “Wake up. Wake up, South Carolina!”
The Bern may already be over, likely to be practically over March 15. Goes on?
Moms of Trayvon Martin & Eric Garner stump for Hillary.
Ben Carson sniffs that Obama was “raised white.”
Bob Dole is alive, endorses Rubio.
Ted Cruz dead-seriously wants to deport 12 million immigrants.
(Video still via FOX News)
Image via Bernie Sanders
The daughter and the granddaughter of Eric Garner—whose “I can't breathe” death at the hands of the NYPD outraged all rational human beings—appear in a long, powerful new ad on behalf of the Bernie Sanders campaign.
In the ad, Erica Garner says:
I'm behind anyone who's gonna listen and speak up for us ... and I think we need to believe in a leader like Bernie Sanders.
Support for Hillary Clinton vs. support for Bernie Sanders among prominent black figures is generally fairly easy to categorize, with more establishment-oriented figures and older figures and women backing Hillary and more activist and younger figures backing Sanders. Even within Garner's own family there is a schism—his mother, Erica Garner's grandmother, is campaigning for Hillary.
Keep reading to see the ad ...
Eminem mocks his very real homophobic work in The Interview.
North Korea's Internet goes down, leaders call Obama a monkey.
Usher's leaky penis.
There are a bunch of assholes in the NYPD.
Madonna may sing on New Year's Eve @ MSG.
The original boy toys.
Porn cutie unveils his buns on Vine.
You should prolly be tested for anal cancer.
The other Entertainers of the Year.
The year in viral videos.
An armed madman—who had earlier shot his girlfriend—decided to make his last act before committing suicide the murder of two NYPD officers. He linked the senseless crime to vengeance for recent acts of police violence against unarmed black men, Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
It's appalling that this man had access to a gun to begin with, and that he would murder two innocent men for his own twisted reasons. Gutless and depraved. NYPD lives do matter—no one disputes that.
Nor is there any sense in the inflammatory statements of the NYPD union boss, who explicitly laid this murder at the feet of NYC Mayor de Blasio and the protesters who are outraged at the deaths of Brown and Garner.
That's absolutely wrong. The only way that bit of logic works is if you believe everything a police officer does is always acceptable and they are above the law. Otherwise, why not go up the chain and blame the officers involved in the killings of those two black suspects?
None of that bullshit works. The man responsible for these officers' deaths is the man who blew them away. He was unhinged. Never have the leaders of the protests or the families of the dead black men called for violence. It's antithetical to what is outraging them in the first place.
As Jon Stewart said, you can deplore police brutality AND still support good police.
These murders are despicable, as is anyone who sees them as justified.
Cuddle up to the hairy hotties of winter.
Bill Cosby plays the race card...badly. WTF?
12yo Tamir Rice's death was murder.
Dick Cheney can't torture just one!
Former Michael Lucas model accuses him of fraud, non-payment. (Work Unfriendly)
EVOLVING DOOR: Elton John, once anti-gay marriage, might be getting married.
Did Harry Styles see Barack's O-face?
FOX using anarchists' “dead cops” chants to tar/feather protest movement.
Cockyboys star Tayte Hanson debuts new (less) hair.
Why Evangeline Lilly is an idiot.
SQUEAL LIKE A NASTY PIG: Sexy ad pulled by Time Warner.
Stick a f**k in him, he's Dunn.
Bobsledder Simon Dunn (above) is hot. Much proof here.
Elusive perfect pec bounce captured on film!
President Obama says U.S. racism is “deeply rooted.”
Is you're obsessed with/repulsed by Grindr...click here.
Attempts to change the narrative on Ferguson should be resisted.
Extremely tense confrontation between protester and NYPD.
Chicago FurFest convention hit with dangerous chlorine gas attack.
This is one reason why I can't bring myself to see the new Annie.
Labour MSP calls Madonna a “silly exhibitionist,” condemns her boobies.
Mayor de Blasio to intro bill (today) to ban horse-drawn carriages.
Angelo's “Delusions of Grandeur”.
You thought that he was weak...
Is Bianca Del Rio the “Joan Rivers of drag”?
Even Hugh Hefner thinks Bill Cosby's a freak if the allegations are true.
THE GAY BLADE: Olympic figure skater Eric Radford comes out.
Nick Jonas gets naked for Kingdom.
The luck's run out for Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana).
Meth-smuggling gay pornstar Bruno Knight gets 2 years.
Boston's Santa Speedo Run raises $ and hope.