ABOVE: That picture is strictly to recognize Halloween this week.
ABOVE: That picture is strictly to recognize Halloween this week.
ABOVE: Birthday boy.
Poseidon's Underworld: Explore every gay angle of a 1963 issue of 16 Magazine. [Screams of teenyboppers]
Here's Richard Beymer, kids — a whole lot of him.
Joe.My.God.: Widow of Omar Mateen, Noor Salman, is remanded until trial.
Huff Post: Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) points out that Trump may have fired Preet Bharara to hinder investigation into his own corruption.
Attitude: Why is Joan Collins still confused with Alexis Carrington? Because I was so bloody good, she asserts. Here's her fave Dynasty catfight:
Soundcloud: Fresh Frank Ocean bisexual anthem “Chanel” gets a remix:
SNL: (1) That funeral sketch about a dentist who secretly wrote lit circuit jams was the meth of humor, especially “Here Is My Butt as I Lean Against the Wall”:
(2) Logo's Fire Island scored by inspiring a hilarious parody: