10 posts categorized "GARY JOHNSON"

Jul 26 2016
6-PACK/dnc — Bernie's Speech-Drop, Mic-Drop Moments + SILENCED No More + Hillary Or Bust? + Gary Johnson = NO + THIS IS AMERICA'S PARTY! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureThis is so endearing (above): Bernie dropped his speech an hour before dropping the mic.

*widget boy cultureThis is so not endearing: The irony of those privileged girls taping SILENCED over their big mouths. (If only!)

*widget boy cultureSanders supporters must decide if it's Hillary or bust ... and some will choose bust.

*widget boy cultureBernie is moving on, and doing so right over Donald Trump's sorry ass:


*widget boy cultureWhy Gary Johnson is all kinds of NO.

*widget boy cultureMarkos of Daily Kos sums up the first night of the DNC: “This is my party. This is our party. This is America's party.” 

May 29 2016
6-PACK/politics — Palin In Trump's Cabinet Would Be Icing On The Coke + Phony Racketeering Story Yanked Off HuffPo + DNC Nixes Sanders's Demands + Meet Your Libertarian Candidates + State Polls Boost Hillary's Chances + HATER Judge Trumps Trump! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureSarah Palin act like she has a substance-abuse issue, or at least, she says stuff like it: “Suck it up, cupcake!” (Maybe she meant snort?) Let's give McCain back to Vietnam.

*widget boy cultureThis is the kinda header every POTUS candidate dreams of: “No, Hillary Clinton Is NOT Going to Be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges.”

*widget boy cultureDNC blows off Bernie Sanders campaign's demand that Barney Frank & Dannel Malloy be ousted from key national committees.

*widget boy cultureGary Johnson & running mate William Weld are 2016's Libertarian ticket. If they win, their policy is probably, “You're on your own, idiots.”

*widget boy culturePolls pitting Trump vs. Hillary look a lot like the final results of 2012 electoral college, which is good news for not-Trump.

*widget boy cultureJudge unseals documents in Trump U case. Trump had called out the judge—a judge—as “a hater.”